Lions Class Blog

Friday 28th June 2024

WIN 20240627 13 54 56 Pro

What an incredible week we've had in Lions this week. On Wednesday children attended a trust Olympic style event at Corby stadium and had a fabulous time in the sun. Everyone engaged brilliantly with the different events and they all showed resilience, sportsmanship and determination - the children were a credit to their school. On Wednesday children visited a Buddhist temple in Irchester as part of their RE studies. They had a tour of the site, an opportunity to ask some questions about life as a Buddhist monk and took part in a guided meditation - we had a fabulous time. This week children have started to write their final piece at Bozeat and they all have free choice of the type of story they would like to write and I am excited to see what they all come up with.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 35



Friday 21st June 2024

It has been a fantastic couple of weeks in Lions with plenty to keep us busy. The residential was amazing and all of the children pushed themselves to the limit! In ICT this week, the children learned about licencing and this raised some interesting conversations about ownership and copyrights. In PSHE, we discussed online pressure and the steps we might take if we find ourselves in difficult situations. In PE this term, Lions class are enjoying lots of cricket with GLK in the sunshine. This week children started to 'hot write' their planned manifestos and I very much look forward to reading them.

PE - This term PE lessons are Thursday and Friday.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 34



Aladdin Songs


Friday 7th June 2024

charles dickens 2

Charles Dickens 1812 - 1870

It has been a very busy start back this week with lots to think about for the term ahead. Children are beginning to really get into their roles for the end of year performance and I am encourage them to work hard on practicing their lines so that they are fully prepared. In History this week children started to learn about Charles Dickens and his work - especially how his writing impacted the world with we live in today. In PSHE, we discussed 'appearance' and how we perceive images of celebrities shown in the media and various online environments. Lions completed their ICT projects this week - programming translation quizzes, some children even managed to instruct audio questions which was fabulous!

PE - This term PE lessons are Thursday and Friday.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 32


Friday 24th May 2024


Aladdin Songs

 Friday 17th May 2024


Children in Lions class have been amazing this week - tackling assessments with maturity and confidence. Children have learned about pilgrimage in RE and created fact files about Buddhist journeys. Children have started to run through scripts in preparation for the end of year performance and after half term we will move into the hall for rehearsals. In Art Lions class have started to create their final piece - sketching letters of their name in layers to create a Jasper Johns style piece. All of you deserve a well earned rest this weekend.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 30


Friday 10th May 2024

This week I just wanted to wish all of the Y6 children the very best for next week. I know how hard the children have worked in their time at Bozeat and I am proud of every single one of them. Please make sure you rest this weekend, there is absolutely no point in trying to cram information at this stage. Just make sure you're here and ready to do your very best. I know that you will all be amazing!

Don't forget that SATs breakfast is open to all at 8:15 Monday - Thursday and I look forward to seeing you all there!

Friday 3rd May 2024

queen victoria

It has been a great week in Lions this week and children have been keen to begin rehearsals now that parts have been announced for 'A-la-la-la-la-ddin'. Lions class have started to write scripts for their podcasts this week and they are beginning to sound great! Children have learned about Queen Victoria in History and in Science completed their non-chronological reports about adaptation. Children were learning to use new commands to program movement on Scratch in ICT and created some excellent dance battles.


SATs Revision books - At this stage, I would like you to work through the revision book at your own pace completing units not yet covered

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 28


Friday 26th April 2024

jasper johns

Jasper Johns 0 through 9 (1961)

The children in Lions class have produced some excellent 'Hot Writes' this week and I am very proud of the children. In Art children started to explore the work of Jasper Johns and his impact on Pop Art. Children have extended their knowledge of Scratch this week by learning how to program 'subroutines' in order to create an onscreen dance battle. In RE, Lions continue to learn about Buddhism this term and in PSHE it was really interesting to think about aspirations for the future. many children have already started to learn the songs for our end of year performance and I am looking forward to revealing children's roles next week!


SATs Revision books - At this stage, I would like you to work through the revision book at your own pace completing units not yet covered

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 27


Friday 19th April 2024

WIN 20240416 14 00 08 Pro

In has certainly been a great start back for Lions class with many exciting opportunities this week. We were lucky enough to try out our golf skills on Thursday morning and Northampton Tennis coaching delivered an excellent session in the sunshine. Children completed their DT projects on Egyptian chariots and evaluated their work. We also had our first read through of the Aladdin script and children are already expressing an interest in performing certain parts - I am really looking forward to auditions on Friday lunchtime. Lions class have now completed their 'Biography' drafts and are ready to Hot Write these next week, we will also be starting a new unit of writing which focuses on scripting a radio broadcast/ podcast.


SATs Revision books - At this stage, I would like you to work through the revision book at your own pace completing units not yet covered

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 26


Friday 22nd March 2024


It has been another busy week in Lions class with lots things going on. It was excellent to se some of our children performing in the Rocksteady concert on Wednesday morning. Swimming lessons have now ended and I know the children enjoyed their lessons this term - many children achieved the objective of swimming 25m and there are some who very close to achieving this goal. The children have carried out some brilliant research in preparation for writing a biography after Easter and they have almost completed their chariots in DT - we'll be finishing these of this week.

There will be no SATs revision club this Monday and any Ancient Egypt homework is due in on Tuesday.


Progressive verbs - Revision pages: EXP p36 -p37 HS p30 -p31


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spelling List 25



Friday 15th March 2024 

WIN 20240314 13 55 37 Pro


This week in Lions we have been doing plenty of work around National Science week and the theme of 'Time'. Children have started to prepare some writing about how adaptation occurs over time and also had great fun building different structures from a range of historical points in time. In Writing, Lions class have started to prepare research notes on various historical figures from Ancient Egypt. They continued their studies on Buddhism and also started build their chariots in DT. In the DAaRT lesson children learned about communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. 


Progressive verbs - Revision pages: EXP p36 -p37 HS p30 -p31


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spelling List 24




Friday 8th March 2024

ancient egypt chariot

What a great week Lions class have had with dance workshops based on a book 'The Iron Man', an author visit and book recommendations from Northampton Saints. Children have written some beautifully presented diary entries this week and I am extremely proud of the hard work they have put in. In DT they learned about Ancient Egyptian chariots and have drawn plans in preparation for constructing their own. In RE, we covered the festival of Wesak and discussed how it celebrated all around the world. In ICT children have started to learn about how word processors work. 

PE - This week you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday. Swimmers will need their kit on Thursday


Relative Clauses - Revision pages: EXP p28 GD p24/ 25

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 23


Howard Carter

Friday 1st March 2024

Children in Y6 had great fun this week in PE working with Mr Roberts playing seated dodgeball, they spent time practicing their seated balance skills and were able to self reflect on their learning at the end of the session. In Art, children wrote some excellent evaluations of their William Morris and in Science they reviewed their learning about different materials. Children are almost ready to write their Diary Entries from the perspective of someone in Howard Carter's archaeology team, so will be really looking forward to reading these next week!

PE - This week you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday. Swimmers will need their kit on Thursday


SATs club will resume on Monday 4th March - Revision pages: EXP: p26/27 HS p20/21

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 22


Friday 16th February 2024

PE - This week you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday. Swimmers will need their kit on Thursday


Egyptian Homework Grid (due by Wednesday 27th March)



SATs Revision pages: EXP: p26/27 HS p20/21


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spelling List 21



Friday 9th February 2024

Art WM IMG 3771

Lions class have worked really hard this week in Art, carefully printing the next layer of their William Morris designs. They have learned to research Howard Carter in preparation for writing diary entries from the archaeologist's perspective. In RE, children learned about the 'eight-fold path' and in ICT they were taught the difference between data and information. In PE many children are continuing to practice their dodgeballs skills in REAL PE and with GLK have been practicing basketball. Great fun!

PE - This week you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday. Swimmers will need their kit on Thursday



SATs Revision pages:


EXP pages: 23 and 23 (copied for Higher Score)


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spelling List 20



Friday 2nd February 2024

4 noble truths

This week, children in Lions class tackled assessments and I am so proud of how far they have come, they approached assessment week with a calm and methodic approach and this will really help them when they take on the actual assessments in May. They continued to work on drug and alcohol awareness with the DAaRT officer and I am always pleased to see how well they contribute to these PSHE lessons. In Science they learned about the viscosity of different liquids and planned and conducted various investigations to test this. In RE, children continued their studies around Buddhism and in particular learned about the four 'noble truths'. 

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your swimming kit on Thursday and PE kit to school on Friday but it should be in school every day.


SATs Revision pages:

Determiners - Expected p20 and 21 Greater Depth p18 and 19

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 19



Friday 26th January 2024

Children in Y6 are really enjoying swimming lessons this term and it was excellent to hear that Amelia and Thea stepped up and will be going for 25m next week. In ICT, children continued to create flags of the world using cells in Microsoft Excel to drop colours into. In Art, children prepared a back wash for their William Morris printing projects and have started to prepare foam printing blocks. Many children have now planned their alternative fairy tales are ready to write their final pieces next week. In Science, children continued their investigations around hardness and softness and many were able to think of different ways to test different materials.


SATs Revision pages:


Determiners - Expected p20 and 21 Greater Depth p18 and 19


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spelling List 18



Friday 19th January 2024

art Phebe


by Phebe Denny

The children had great fun this afternoon learning dodgeball skills with GLK in the hall, the skills learned here will be very useful in the dodgeball tournament at Wollaston next week. In Science they were considering how to investigate the hardness and softness of various materials and in RE they found out about the significance of the three jewels in Buddhism. In writing, children have now started to draft their own versions of alternative fairy tales and in ICT they discovered how to reference cells on a spreadsheet and why this might be important in everyday life. On Monday afternoon children, had the opportunity to sketch some exotic plants in preparation for their William Morris prints which they will make in a few weeks - their sketches were phenomenal!


SATs Revision pages:

Modal Verbs - Expected p12/ 13 Greater Depth p11,

Parenthesis - Expected p52, Greater Depth p46

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 17


William Morris2

William Morris 24 March 1834 - 3 October 1896

Friday 12th January 2024

This week children in Lions class have started to learn about the life and work of William Morris, they created some excellent framework studies in preparation for this unit of work. In History, children have revisited timelines and identified where the Ancient Egyptians fit in comparison with events in Britain. In Science many children have started to ask questions about different materials like: Is it soluble? Does it float? Is it an insulator? or Does it conduct? Lions class have started to think about how they can take a well-known fairy tale and adapt it for an alternative purpose - they have already shared some brilliant ideas for prequels, sequels, flashbacks and timeslips.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your swimming kit on Thursday and PE kit to school on Friday but it should be in school every day.


SATs Revision pages:

Modal Verbs - Expected p12/ 13 Greater Depth p11,

Parenthesis - Expected p52, Greater Depth p46

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spelling List 16


Friday 5th January 2024

Welcome back to Year 6! Children have had a positive start back today.

We have a busy time ahead this year but plenty to look forward to including the residential trip, the usual sporting events, an end of year performance, celebrations and much more!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your swimming kit on Thursday and PE kit to school on Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 15


Friday 15th December 2023

foods of the amazon 2

We have had an exciting and eventful week in the run-up to Christmas, seeing Christmas performances from EYFS, KS1 and many of the Y6 children performing in the Rocksteady concert - they were all fantastic and it is wonderful to see how all that hard work is paying off. In class, children have been practicing sketching people in preparation for their final art pieces next week. In Geography, they have been leaning about food and medicine in the Amazon, some children created menus and many carried out further research identifying how various plants can be used in medicine. We have lots of fun things planned for the final few days of term including a Cyber Safely day on Tuesday and I know Y6 children are particularly excited about the planned pizza party on Wednesday afternoon. Ho Ho Ho!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 14


Friday 8th December 2023


It has been another amazing week in Lions with plenty going on. This week children had fun decorating the classroom in preparation for Christmas and children enjoyed a visit to the church for 'Experience Christmas'. In RE, Lions learned about the story of Jesus' ascension and in PE, they were developing their skills in the 'River Crossing' game they have been practising this term.  Children are now ready to write their newspaper articles and I am very much looking forward to reading the finished pieces next week. In Art, they have started to plan their Alphonse Mucha style advertising posters and in PSHE the children have been taught about the qualities of friendship. They also had their first RSE workshop of the year, there will be another follow up session in June/ July.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


 Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

 Spellings - List 13



Friday 1st December 2023


In Geography this week, children were taught about how tribes in the Amazon use headdress to express identity and many of them made their own. In Art they learned about the Art Nouveau movement and practiced drawing in the 'whiplash' style. In Science, children found out about how the environment can affect the growth of plants and planned investigations to test this. In music, groups of children continued to practice singing in rounds and we had a fabulous afternoon creating Christmas angels for the tree with visiting family members. 

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 12


Friday 24th November 2023


Lions had a great time this week using chalk spray to create their Banksy style posters and did a fabulous job. In RE they started to plot the events of holy week on a timeline and in music they were learning to sing in rounds. Lions class learned about selective breeding and how this can impact on the food we eat. In Geography, children learned about art of Kayapo people and also had the opportunity to create some of their own. Children are now beginning to plan and draft their own Newspaper articles and they have chosen a variety of world /local issues to report on.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


 Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

 Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

 You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

 Spellings - List 11


 Friday 17th November 2023

alphonse mucha

Alphonse Mucha - Daydream (1897)

Children have marked 'Anti-Bullying Week' in a variety of ways - wearing odd socks to school, advising a character from a story and by listening to a short story which established differences between people. On Friday we acknowledged 'Children in Need' wearing mufti to school. In Art, children were introduced to the artist Alphonse Mucha and the Art Nouveau movement and in RE children continued to explore some of the miracles performed by Jesus in the Bible. In music, children were keen to perform the 'Swing low' as a class and all singing the melody at different points. This week children have also enjoyed preparing Christmas cards for the elderly in our local community. In Science, children were taught about 'selective breeding' and were interested to find out how inbreeding dogs can cause problems like illness and disease in later generations.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.



Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spellings - List 10



Friday 10th November 2023


It has been an eventful week in Lions with a brilliant assembly, Cross Country and a Y5/6 mixed football tournament. Children are currently learning to map and perform a newspaper article in Writing and in RE, learned about some of the miracles Jesus performed and were documented in the Bible. In Geography, children found out about the ways in which various campaigns work and type of work that is going on to tackle problems in rainforests. In ICT children learned about the internet and in particular - developments in communication. Next week we will be acknowledging Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks on Monday, Remembrance Day Assembly and  Children in Need on Friday (mufti day). 

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

 Spellings - List 9


 Friday 3rd November 2023

WIN 20231103 10 43 18 Pro

What an eventful start back it has been this term, with so many wonderful things happening in Lions. It was great to see the children deciding what content they'd like to share in their class assembly next week and carefully planning their respective PowerPoints. In Writing, we have started a new unit - learning to write newspaper articles and in RE, children learned about different versions of birth of Jesus. In Science, children were taught about how 'environmental' and 'inherited' factors can impact humans and animals have evolved. It excellent to see the Y6 girls team competing on Thursday for a place in the county finals in January, you were all amazing!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 8


Friday 20th October 2023


It has been an extremely busy last week of term with many enjoyable things happening in Lions class. In RE, children learned about Christian celebrations all around the world and in PSHE children were looking at different friendship problems and considering how to solve the 'friendship problem'. Lions class enjoyed their final session with Saints this week and have learned a great deal about various skills when playing rugby. In Science, they were taught to recognise patterns when analysing gestation data and ended this term's unit with a mini quiz all about 'Life Cycles'. Well done to Megan, who was our book prize winner for the term - she certainly deserved it! Have fun over the half term break everyone and remember to stay safe!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Thursday and Friday but it should be in school every day.



Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spellings - List 7


Geography Homework Grid - Due by Friday 1st December (Recognition points will be awarded for each completed piece of work)



Friday 13th October 2023

Y6 girls

Another fabulous week of learning in Lions this week! It has been really wonderful to see children plan and draft their ideas for their 'Suspense' stories this week and I am really looking forward to reading the finished stories. In Science, children began to analyse the 'gestation periods' of different mammals and next week will begin to look for scientific patterns in the data. In ICT children have started to add brand logos to their environmental posters and they look really super. For World Mental Health Awareness Day on Tuesday, children thought about times in their lives when they have had to be - connected, aware, resilient, active, respected and responsible and they contributed to a wonderful display of this work in the hall. A huge well done to our Y6 girls team who are currently 2nd in the local schools league, keep it up girls!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


 Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

 Spellings - List 6


Friday 8th October 2023

WIN 20231004 10 12 11 Pro

It has been a very active week in Lions this week with our 5 sport crew leaders being trained to deliver activities and our 9 girls participating in the girls football league - they were off to a super start this week placing 2nd overall for the 5 matches they played. In Science this week, children have started to research the life cycles of specific animals and in RE, they were taught about how Christian music can take many different forms. In ICT, children have started to create their own brands and in Geography they learned all about homes in the Amazon. In music, small groups worked together to write and perform their own raps and they all did a fantastic job!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 5


Friday 29th September 2024

290923 ICT 3290923 ICT 2290923 ICT 1

This week in Lions, children have started to think about world issues such as - deforestation and war and how to best represent their ideas in the style of Banksy. They have created some fabulous posters in ICT, considering colour, font, position and images. In Geography, children started to research the people of the Amazon including specific tribes who live on the Amazon River. In Reading Comprehension, children have been shown how to construct their answers when tackling various types of question and next week children will have the opportunity to answer comprehension questions independently.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.



Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).


You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Spellings - List 4



Friday 22nd September 2023


What an eventful week it has been! On Monday children quizzed some top athletes all about their experiences and journey in competitive swimming, they loved meeting coach Andy Sharp, Maisie Summers-Newton, Eliza Humphrey and Scarlett Humphrey. On Tuesday children had a great time at the church experiencing Harvest - it was lovely to see them making bird feeders and preparing infused oils. Lions class participated in the first assessment point of the year this week and they handled it brilliantly, this preparation supports the children to know what it feels like when they sit their SATs next year - so a huge well done! On Friday afternoon, GLK worked with Y6 girls to prepare for an up and coming football tournament and they played brilliantly, I am very much looking forward to seeing how they get on in October.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.

Spellings - List 3


Friday 15th September 2023


This week children in Lions mapped out and performed their model text - a tale of suspense. In Science, they learned about the life cycles of different plants and in ICT children developed their understanding of how to search the web effectively. In PSHE we considered what our class values will be for the year and in RE children were taught about 'The Last Supper' in Christianity. Children experienced an aerial view of a rainforest this week in Geography and were able to plot some of the world's largest rainforests on a map. It has been fabulous to see this week many children have completed their 1st week's homework and have been reading regularly at home too!

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

 Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

Year 6 Spellings - List 2


You tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Friday 8th September 2023


It has been an incredible start back this year because Lions class children have come back raring to go. They have already produced a high quality piece of writing in preparation for our new unit - Suspense. In Maths, children have started to explore 'Place Value - Numbers to 1000000 and in Science Lions class began to explore 'Life Cycles' specifically focussing on the relationship between lifespan and number of offspring of different animals and I am keen to see this research develop further. On Thursday, Freestyle Academy visited the school and the children had fun engaging in a Dodgeball taster session. Freestyle Academy are offering a range of afterschool clubs this year and letters have been sent home for Athletics, Dodgeball and Archery so if you are interested in booking a place you will need to return slips promptly. Finally, GLK have started working with the children, brushing up on their rugby skills ahead of rugby lessons with Northampton Saints who will be delivering lessons from next week. So much to look forward to for the year ahead and I know the children will have fun.

PE - This term you will need to make sure you bring your PE kit to school on Wednesday and Friday but it should be in school every day.


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform but at the moment Garage sessions are currently not available).

Year 6 Spellings - List 1


You tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.


Friday 14th July 2023


What an amazing week it has been! Earlier in the week children enjoyed making their cloth bags in DT and they are beginning to look fantastic. Children in Y5 and Y6 performed Jack and the Beanstalk to the children, parents and governors - they were superb and worked so hard to deliver a fun and engaging performance. Children in Lions had their last cricket lesson with Northants Cricket Coaching this week and have done a brilliant job this term, up-levelling their cricket skills. Children in Lions class also participated in discussions around puberty and changes, many children had quality questions to ask. A fantastic end to the year, well done everyone!

Summer Reading - please follow the instructions below for access to the Oxford Owl Reading Library:


Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

PE kit will be needed for our planned visit to the park on Thursday

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Year 6 Spellings



Year 5 Spellings


Friday 23rd June 2023


We have had such an active week this week in Lions - cycling races, cricket coaching, Sports Day and GLK! It has been great to work with Y5 children this week boxing up a wishing tale whilst Y6 children independently plan and draft their final pieces for the year. Rehearsals for the end of year performance are coming along nicely and it is wonderful to have so many Y5 children keen to get involved. In RE, children continued to learn about Sikhism and in PSHE children were able to discuss their experiences of life online and some of the associated dangers.

PE Lessons are on Wednesday and Fridays but please ensure your PE kit is at school every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Year 5


Year 6


Friday 9th June 2023

WIN 20230607 10 01 50 Pro


We have had an excellent start back in Lions this week and already rehearsing for the Y6 end of year performance. Children have been working with Northants Cricket Club this week and are already developing their cricket skills. In ICT, children have been busy designing their games and specifically coding falling objects. In Geography and History this week children have learned about Fairtrade and have started making some brilliant posters.

PE Lessons are on Wednesday and Fridays but please ensure your PE kit is at school every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Spellings: List 31



Friday 19th May 2023

lava lamp

Lions class have had a fabulous week and have all produced some excellent independent writing which I am very much looking forward to reading! In science, children learned how some solids dissolve in particular liquids but not in others. In Art, Lions class started to prepare their collages based on world news stories and many of the children were able to find some excellent images to include. In PSHE, children have also been preparing some poems about kindness as we have been spending some time thinking about Mental Health Awareness Week and specifically 'Anxiety'


PE Lessons are on Thursdays and Fridays but please ensure your PE kit is at school every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Spellings: List 29



Friday 5th May 2022


It was great to see Lions class whole-heartedly participating in our Coronation celebrations on Wednesday and King Noah and Queen Lexi did a fabulous job. Y6 children have started to prepare short stories based on an illustration - 'the summoner' whilst Y6 continue to prepare their explanation texts which they will hopefully write next week. Again, we had excellent PE session with Maddie from Northants Tennis and the children beginning to develop some excellent skills. In Geography, children have started explore 'Trade' and specifically import and export while in ICT Lions continue to find out about variables when programming games.

Importantly Y6, please make sure you have a good rest this weekend so that you are in a positive mindset on Tuesday, I know you all will be amazing :)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Spellings: List 27



Friday 28th April 2023


This week in Lions carried out artist study of Raoul Hausmann and he's involvement in Dadaism. In ICT we have started consider how to use variables when programming using Scratch. In Science, Children have learned about how some solids dissolve differently and how changing the variables effects the results - they were able plan record this information accurately in their books. In writing, Y6 children have now completed their explanations about various organs of the body and will start a new unit next week, Y5 will continue to plan their explanations over the next few weeks. We have also carried out some replay scenarios this week for PSHE all about holding a conversation.

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Spellings: List 26



SATs Revision: Work on completing your book

Friday 21st April 2023



This week, Lions had a great time picking up some new tennis skills with Northants Tennis Coaching. Year 6 children have produced some fabulous explanations and Year 5 have been busy rehearsing the model text. In RE we have started a new unit of work all about Sikhism and in Art children have been focussing on collage (Dadaism). Children have started to learn about trade and we are looking forward to getting stuck into this, this term.  

PE Lessons are on Thursdays and Fridays but please ensure your PE kit is at school every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays


Spellings: List 25




SATs Revision: EXP p28 HS p24 Relative Clauses Spellings: EXP p58  HS p52

Friday 31st March 2023

IMG 2442IMG 2438IMG 2436

We have had a really busy week in Lions this week but the highlight of the week has to be the long awaited trip to the British Museum to enhance our knowledge of Ancient Greece. It was fabulous to explore the Parthenon frieze, ancient pots and everyday life in Ancient Greece. I have to mention what a pleasure it was to visit the museum with children from Lions and Panthers class, they were all so engaged with the artefacts on display and an absolute credit to Bozeat Primary school. The fact that they were still talking about it on the coach on the way back shows just how much they've enjoyed it.

Have a great Easter!

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

Spellings: See last week's words (List 24)

SATs Revision: EXP 28 and 29 HS p24 and 25, Spellings EXP p59 HS p53

Y6 Practice Paper




Y5 Practice Paper




Friday 24th March 2022


It was another busy week in Lions class with plenty of learning going on. In Art children have started to plan their ideas for their final graphic design which they will create using PowerPoint - a poster encouraging people to visit Ancient Greece. In RE, we have continued to find out about the 5 pillars of Islam and children always come up with some thoughtful questions during this session, showing their eagerness to learn. In PE this week children practiced throwing the javelin, although it was rather windy that day! Lions class have started to create their own research projects about renewable energy in Science and I am very much looking forward to them presenting these soon.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day (We have a dance workshop on Wednesday)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays






Friday 17th March 2023

WIN 20230316 09 51 55 Pro2

We have had a fabulous week in Lions this week. Children enjoyed making spreadsheets showing UK attractions and their distances from Bozeat. In Art, children learned about Freyja Crow and the way she creates self portraits. Lions finally investigated which habitat woodlice prefer - dark soil, light soil, dark sand, light sand? In history, children continued to research the Olympic games in Ancient Greece compared to the modern day Olympics. Y6 children, have now started to prepare their ideas for a 'persuasive letter' and Y5 have been drafting 'warning stories'. It was fabulous on Thursday to see Lions class fully engaged in the forensic workshop all about 'making connections' and taking part in conversations about the connection between sheep and seaweed.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day (We have a dance workshop on Wednesday)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

SATS Revision: Subjunctive Verb Forms and Suffixes: tion, ssion and -cian






Friday 10th March 2023


Lions have  enjoyed learning how to use spreadsheets this week and many of them created their own tables where the data could be sorted. In Art the children learned about Bauhaus for their graphic design unit and were creating Bauhaus style posters using their chosen typography. The children learned about volts and voltage and used cells and lamps to see how things changed. In History this week the children found out about the Olympic Games and why they are still relevant today.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day (We have a dance workshop on Wednesday)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

SATS Revision: Make sure your books are up to date




Friday 3rd March 2023


PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day (We have a dance workshop on Wednesday)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays

SATS Revision EXP: p22 and p55 HS:p22 from EXP and p49 




World Book Day

Friday 24th February 2023



It has been a fabulous start back this week with lots of interesting learning in Lions class. Children have started to learn how to use their voices to harmonise in music and in computing we held some really important discussions - recognising what online bullying might look like and taking steps to tackle online bullying. In history children learned about democracy and are beginning to make comparisons with modern democracy in Britain. In RE, Lions class developed their knowledge and understanding of the 'five pillars' of Islam. It was great to see children working together on their final Van Gogh landscape and we are looking forward to displaying this in the classroom

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day (We have a dance workshop on Wednesday)

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Friday 10th February 2023

WIN 20230210 13 45 00 Pro

It was lovely to see Lions class buddying up with children in Owls/ Little Owls this week and supporting them with their reading. We also had fun this morning thinking about Mental Health Awareness and considering things we are grateful for in our lives - achievement, caring, resilience, friendship and feeling safe. Children have now started to plan their own 'Instructions' and ' Balanced Arguments' in Writing and in Science were able to complete their planned investigations for woodlice selecting environments. In Art, Lions class enjoyed painting Van Gogh style foregrounds and in ICT started to learn about creating 'breadcrumb trails' when designing a website.

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




SATs revision:

  • Modal Verbs EXP p12 HS p11
  • Parenthesis EXP p52 HS p46
  • Past Perfect Form: EXP p36 HS p30
  • Subordinate Clause: EXP p24 HS p20
  • Passive Voice: EXP p38 HS p32



Friday 3rd February 2023

Children in Lions were an absolute credit to the school this week, talking to visitors about their learning and showing them around the school. It was also excellent to see many children from Lions class participating in the Dodgeball competition after school on Tuesday, they showed real sportsmanship and placed 1st and 4th overall. In RE this week children have been learning about the Qur'an and comparing it to other similar holy texts. In History, children started to compare modern day maps with maps showing Alexander's claimed cities and will continue this work next week. Children started to plan an experiment in Science to investigate which habitat invertebrates prefer. Children started to create their website designs and in ICT. In Writing Y5 children are learning about balanced arguments and Y6 children are learning to write instructions.

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays





SATS Revision Lesson


Grammar: Subject and Verb agreement EXP - p32 HS p28

Punctuation: Apostrophes EXP p50 HS p44


Friday 27th January 2023


It was was fantastic this week to so many children, painting in the style of Vincent Van Gogh using strokes of colour to create cloud scenes. We had an excellent time in Science, identifying different birds and comparing data collected about birds. In ICT children learned all about the term 'copyright' and when its safe to use other peoples work. In music children have started to learn how to harmonise using the notes C - E and G and this is something which we will be building on over the next few weeks. Children in Lions class are enjoying football skills with GLK this term and it is so good to see different children lead the warm ups for others. And finally, a huge well done to Kyle who placed 5th in the County Cross Country race at the weekend. We are so proud of all our runners at Bozeat!

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Friday 20th January 2023

Alexander the Great

It has been a great week in Lions and was so lovely for some of our girls to represent Bozeat at the the gymnastics competition on Thursday. They did amazingly and achieved 4th place out of many schools. In Science this week, children learned about butterflies and why it is important to protect them - they created some excellent information leaflets too. In History, Lions completed their Ancient Greek timelines which look fantastic in their books. Both Y5 and Y6 produced some excellent writing this week in their Hot Writes and the progress children have made since September is clear. In Art children, have started to learn about the work of Vincent Van Gogh and particular, details about his life.

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Friday 13th January 2023


What a wonderful start back Lions class have had back this year. It was really great for Lions class to try out some of the food that would have been consumed in Ancient Greece. Children are nearly ready now to write their 'Character Flaw's' or 'Graphic Novels' next week and I can't wait to see their final pieces. In Science, Lions class observed different birds and mammals in their natural habitats using the Wildlife Trust's webcams and in History, we started to started to explore the Ancient Greek timeline. Children in Y6 also took part in their first DAaRT lesson which was really engaging. In ICT - children started to think about their website designs, using headers, logos and media to be included.

Tinkercad Class code: UPBWB9B6L533

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Friday 9th December 2022

IMG 1928

In Lions, we have been enjoying the run to Christmas this week with many children taking part in the Christmas Experience at the church in the village, at the same time some Y5 and Y6 footballers took part in the County Finals and did amazingly well to place 3rd! It was great to see a number of children from Lions class taking part in the Rocksteady concert this week and I can see how their confidence to perform in front of an audience. In PSHE, children have been learning about friendship and specifically what makes a good friend. Lions children planned an experiment in Science to test what would make good rocket fuel and next week will get to test their predictions. In Writing, children have started to consider how writers describe characters in variety of different texts and in Art their Maya City is almost complete - we just need to add the finishing touches.

Friday 2nd December 2022

IMG 1886

This week in Lions we have been considering what Christians believe about the afterlife. Children had a fabulous specialist led PSHE session where they were exploring 'decisions' and in Art children have begun to construct their Maya city landscape and it is looking fantastic. In Writing we have started to learn how to write a 'character flaw' and the children are focussing on Marisa Coulter for Phillip Pullman's Northern Lights. To top off a great week, Lions have experienced a number of Maya workshops and on Friday morning had a live Q&A with Dr Diane.

Tinkercad Class code: UPBWB9B6L533

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays





Friday 18th November2022

IMG 1823

Children in Lions class have produced some fantastic Newspaper Reports this week and I am so proud of them all. They enjoyed planning their Mayan cities in DT for the clay city they will be constructing later this term. In RE children learned about charity (in Christianity) and specifically Christian Aid. In PSHE children learned about differences in people with a specific focus on why bullying might occur. We had an amazing Science lesson where children set up an experiment (over time) to see how different metals rust and how to prevent corrosion. The Northampton Saints visited and delivered a practical PE lesson in the classroom because it has been so rainy. Despite this, the children have coped brilliantly with the weather and many indoor breaks.

Tinkercad Class code: UPBWB9B6L533

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Friday 11th November 2022

WIN 20221109 14 26 56 Pro2

We have had a fabulous week! Lions enjoyed learning about non-reversible changes and used a chemical change to inflate gloves - which was very exciting! In RE, children learned about baptism and confirmation and how these are differ in different denominations. Children have almost finished planning their newspaper reports and will be writing their final version next week. We had a great time preparing and delivering our class assembly and were very grateful to all of those who attended. It goes without saying we were all very proud of all the children who participated in the Cross Country this week!

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays


Year 5:


Year 6:


Friday 4th November 2022


non reversible changes

Children in Lions have had a fabulous start back this term and they have really got stuck into preparing their Newspaper Reports - many children have chosen to write about the recent discovery of a secret Maya temple. In Science, Lions class have been considering various change processes and have already covered reversible and non-reversible changes like rusting and burning. We had a fabulous morning on Tuesday working with Northampton Saints on building character both on the field and in the classroom - I am looking forward to seeing their rugby skills develop over the next 4 weeks. We have also started reading an interesting new text called 'The Star' by Alasdair Grey. We have super term ahead of us!

PE - Lessons are on Tuesday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Year 5


Year 6


Friday 21st October2022

Dresden Codex 3

Children in Lions class have been learning about the Mayan number system and looking closely at some of the evidence that has been discovered. In our new writing unit, children have been learning how to write Newspaper Reports and have enjoyed looking at lots of different types of articles. In PE we have been holding some Cross Country Trials to see all will go on to represent the school in November and in Science, children consolidated their learning about 'Space' this term. We took a break from Varjak Paw this week to tackle some retrieval skills in Reading Comprehension all about different animals. It was really great to see our House Captains and Vice Captains showing parents to their meetings this week, I was so proud of you all. I hope that you all have a restful half term and remember to keep yourselves safe.

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Year 5:



Year 6:




Friday 14th October 2022

Mayan Food

Children had a fabulous time this week, experiencing Mayan food in their topic lesson. The hot chocolate wasn't quite what they expected! In Science, children enjoyed finding about some people from different historic periods who made some important discoveries. The Y6 Sports Crew were lucky enough to participate in a Sport Conference this week, where they learned how drive 'Active 60 Minutes' at Bozeat and what to do if someone injures themselves. Children in Lions wrote some excellent Suspense stories this week, using all the skills they have learned this term about creating suspense in their writing.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record


Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays




Year 5:



Year 6:


Friday 7th October 2022


Lions have so many things to celebrate this week, it has been jam-packed! On Tuesday we went to the church and celebrated harvest which was lovely, all week children have been taking part in Bikability and they even got to practice cycling on the road around the village and on Thursday afternoon, 8 year 6 boys took part in a Football tournament and if you didn't know already - they absolutely smashed it! Winning all of their games they will now proceed to the county round in December which we are all very excited about... In topic this week children have learned about Mayan childhood and enjoyed comparing their own lives. They have all edited and improved their draft writing in English and will now be ready to complete their first Hot Write of the year next week. 

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays


Year 5


Year 6


temples 3



Friday 30th September 2022

Lions have had a fabulous time this week, with the exciting announcement of House Captains and Vice Captains - I know that they are all raring to go! Children also got the opportunity to 'Experience Harvest' at the church,  making bird feeders, modelling clay amongst many other exciting activities. In Maths, children are learning about about the 4 operations, building on a prior learning and securing new skills in multiplication. Children enjoyed learning about stars in Science this week and specifically found out the life of the sun. In Topic this week, Lions children learned about the types of buildings found in Mayan cities and have started to plan 3D models which they will be constructing next term. Children found out about the value of 'search terms' when using search engines in ICT and in Art, have started to draft futurist drawings which show movement. Finally, I so proud of Lions, taking on their first round of assessments in such mature and positive way, keep it up guys!

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays


Year 5


Year 6


Friday 23rd September 2022

Planets labelled

This week Lions class have started to  plan their own 'Meeting Tales' using suspense and their writing is coming along beautifully. In Science children found out about the planets of the solar system including size, temperature and position. Children have learned when important events have happened within the Mayan civilisation and have plotted them on a a time line. In RE,  children have been comparing creation stories in different religions and have also considered some scientific viewpoints including 'the big  bang' theory and evolution.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays


Year 5


Year 6



Friday 16th September 2022

cover image

Children in Lions have had a fabulous start to the year. In Writing children have been learning how to write a 'Meeting Tale' using suspense. We have started to read 'Varjak Paw' by S.F. Said and the children have specifically been showing their retrieval and summarisation skills. In Science children are studying 'Space and Beyond' and have learned about the phases of the moon and the difference between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. In topic children have started to learn about the Maya Civilization and have plotted some of the Mayan cities on a map. Children enjoyed finding about Futurism in Art and have already compiled some useful artist studies.

PE - Lessons are on Thursday and Friday but you should bring your PE kit in every day

Reading - You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record

Times Tables - You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays







Friday 27th August 2022

Hi, here is the final spelling list before returning to school, have a great week and I will see you all on Friday!


Friday 19th August 2022

Good morning children, I hope you are enjoying the spelling puzzles - remember, it is really useful to learn and know how to use these words in preparation for Year 6. Have fun...


Friday 12th August Spellings

Here are this week's spellings...


Friday 5th August Spellings

Hello, hope you are all having a wonderful holiday and enjoying the weather. Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been away on holiday, below are the spelling lists I missed...


Friday 29th July Spellings

Here is this week's spellings...


Year 6 Summer Spellings

Our spellings are going to be a huge focus for this year so in preparation for Y6 I would like you to make an early start on your spelling practice. Each week, I will upload a new set of challenges for you, here is your first set:


Good luck and have fun!

Mr Flynn

Friday 17th June

arch2IMG 1030

This week Lions have learned about the 'Good Samaritan' in RE and how this relates to modern day life, they planned and performed their own ideas about what it means to be a 'good neighbour' which was excellent. In Science, they have started to learn about 'Forces' and in particular planned their own experiments to test the force of gravity. In Topic this week, children were taught about poverty in the Victorian era and found out how poverty in the world has not really changed that much using extracts from Oliver Twist (1837-1839) and Street Child (1993). They have now completed their Balanced Argument writing all about Corporal Punishment and will soon be moving on to a new unit of writing. In PE, children have been tackling Athletic skills with GLK and in REAL PE lessons practicing their sending and receiving skills. Year 6 are becoming much more confident with their Shakespeare rehearsals and noticeably when they perform the songs. It great to see children from Y6 taking part in cycling and archery competitions this week. 

Spellings List 25


Friday 10th June


In was an excellent week of rehearsals of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, with all parts now assigned, Y6 are beginning to get to grips with the complexity of the language. In topic work this week children learned about life at school in the Victorian era and were able to make comparisons between their own experiences of school with that of the Victorians. They have now completed their William Morris wallpaper designs and we can't wait to display them, they look fabulous. In writing children have now prepared their draft versions of a balanced argument based on corporal punishment and are ready to begin editing and improving their work. In RE, children have started to learn about how Christians live their lives and this term will explore and compare these with those from different religious practices.

Midsummer Night's Dream


Spellings List 24 (repeated)

100622 List 24 repeated

Links: Midsummer Night's Dream

Friday 20th May 2022


This week children enjoyed portraits of the queen in preparation for the jubilee celebrations ahead. On Tuesday, Lions enjoyed their tennis lesson in the sunshine with Harry from Northants Tennis Coaching and they have made lots of progress over the last 5 weeks. In writing children completed their biographies about William Morris and they look absolutely fabulous. In Art Lions class have begun to work collaboratively on their wallpaper designs and some teams produced some excellent art. In Science, children found out about how light travels and now know that light can travel around corners when it is reflected. Year 6 created some excellent posters all about Buddhist festivals this week in RE and in ICT, children continued to learn about programming commands using Scratch software.

TT Rockstars - Don't forget to log on and practice your times tables

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings - List 23

List 23 Spellings

Friday 13th May 2022

130522 art

We are all so proud of Year 6 this week, they all have done their very best and worked incredibly hard to achieve success. Beyond this week's assessments we have stuck to our afternoon routines as much as possible and have enjoyed taking this time just to relax a little. In art, children have started to experiment with using two or three printing blocks and with more than one colour - over the next few weeks children will progress to working collaboratively to produce their William Morris wallpaper designs. Year 6 enjoyed getting out in the sunshine for their tennis coaching this week and have already made so much progress with their skills in tennis. In Science, children continued to experiment with mirrors and reflected images this week. Year 6 have been learning about conditioning in ICT and now know how to apply 'true' or 'false' statements when programming. On Friday afternoon they enjoyed a picnic lunch in the park with ice lollies and some sporty challenges to follow.

Don't forget to walk to school next week :)

TT Rockstars - Don't forget to log on and practice your times tables

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings - List 21

130522 List 22


Friday 29th April 2022


This week children in Lions class started to learn about drugs and alcohol with Mrs Begley (the designated DAaRT officer) and are already engaging in some serious conversations about some of the negative impacts these things can have people's lives. Lions class really got stuck into their tennis lessons with Harry their new coach for the term. In writing this week, children are preparing some fantastic biographies about William Morris and I am really looking forward to reading their final pieces. We have started to read Louis Sachar's Holes and children have been finding out about Stanley Yelnat's first few days at Camp Green Lake. In Art, Lions children actually started to print their own wallpaper designs using foam blocks, much like William Morris himself would have done. In this week's topic lesson, children have started to create timelines about all of important events during the Victorian era.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - Work through at your own pace

Maths SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - Work through at your own pace

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings - List 21

290422 List 21

Friday 22nd April 2022

William Morris

It has been fantastic this week to see all of Lions class coming back to school with a positive attitude after a well earned break at Easter. In Science this week, children have started to learn that things can be mixed together and separated using a range of methods. Children have started to think about writing a journey tale and I am very much looking forward to seeing their ideas develop next week as we get deeper in to it. It was great to see that Lions class now know the difference between Lay Sangha and the Monastic Sanga in RE and children have started to learn about how to sequence (provide ordered instructions) in ICT. In Art this week children have started to study the work of William Morris and they have even started to use some of his frameworks to plan their designs.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - p.34 - 35 and p.40 - p.41

Maths SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) -

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings List 20

220422 List 20


Friday 25th March 2022

IMG 0704IMG 0696IMG 0698


Lions have had fabulous time this week, visiting the church and taking part in the Easter Experience. In science this week children started explore reversible and non-reversible changes and were particularly interested when we mixed bicarbonate of soda and vinegar together to inflate the balloon - when we doubled the quantities, the balloon inflated in further. In writing this week, children have started to think about ideas for their own diary entries and I am very much looking forward to seeing their plans for these next week. In PE, children are learning to sequence a jump, roll and balance into one flowing movement and the progression from last week to this weeks work is clear! Lion's children have researched some contemporary artists looking particularly at the work of Freyja Crow and gathering ideas of their own.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - P.60 + P.61 Suffixes

Maths SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) -

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings: List 18

180322 List 19

Friday 18th March 2022


science day

This week in Lions class children have been learning to use formulas on Microsoft Excel in ICT, they were able to format cells in preparation for adding data. In history children have learnt about how tools were used for farming and what types of animals you'd expect to find in the Indus Valley. Lions class have been practicing their handwriting in preparation for for the Queen Mother's handwriting competition and we have some really strong contenders! We were lucky enough to spend some time with a Northampton Tennis coach on Tuesday morning and hopefully many of the children will now be excited to sign with their local tennis club.  In writing, children have been exploring the vocabulary and language found in a diary entry, next week we will be learning how they are structured. In celebration of Science week, children had a fantastic time learning all about their bodies and growth with a Science specialist and also spent some time learning about how our diets impact on the environment, children had some fabulous ideas for campaign/ initiatives to help cut down on food waste.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - P.58 + P.59 Suffixes

Maths SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) -

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings: List 18


180322 List 18

Friday 11th March 2022

Sci 2sci 1

We have had a really enjoyable week in Lions this week with plenty to do. Children have begun to plan their own Bauhaus posters in Art and they have got really good ideas about how to use colour, shape and typography. On Tuesday, we benefitted from a cricket enrichment session where the children got to try out a range of different skills associated with cricket - hopefully lots of them will be keen now to sign up with their local cricket team to build on this experience. In our History work this week, children investigated what artefacts found in the Indus Valley might tell us about life as a farmer. Lions class has some excellent questions about how various tools might be used. In Science, children enjoyed testing the viscosity of different liquids and thought carefully about how they might be present their findings - it got pretty sticky! It was really great to see Lions class internalise their new model text for writing  - a diary entry. I am very much looking forward to getting into the vocabulary and comprehension of the text next week.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - Apostrophes

Maths SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) - 

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Spellings: List 17 



110322 List 17


PE - Thursday and Friday afternoon (please ensure your PE kit is in school every day)

 Friday 4th March 2022


Children in Lions class this week produced some fabulous finding tales and some children even tackled writing Newspaper Reports about discoveries made in the Indus Valley. In Science, children conduct a survey of materials used to build our school and checked wear and tare of the environment. On Thursday we tuned in to a live story telling with Michael Morpurgo followed by a Q&A session, children also got to illustrate their favourite books and write their own blurbs. In PSHE, we discussed the dangers of posting online and the possible consequences, some excellent discussion points on this matter. Lions class are enjoying learning about the Bauhaus movement and this week practised typography and design.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) -Page 18 -19 Prepositions
Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday
Maths - 
PE - Thursday and Friday afternoon (please ensure your PE kit is in school all week)
Spellings: List 16

040322 List 16

Friday 25th February 2022

pie chart

Lions enjoyed learning how to use spreadsheets in ICT and have started to collect their own data so that they can create graphic representations such as Pie Charts and graphs. In RE children learned about meditation and why Buddhists do it - they even had go themselves which was fabulous to see. In reading this week, children tackled Chapter 6 of the Hobbit and have a good understanding of what 'out of the frying pan into the fire' actually means. In Science, Lions class have started to explore materials and their properties, they came up with some excellent questions to ask about materials. In writing, children have written their planned 'Finding Tale' and next week will be ready to write up. In Art, we have started to learn about graphic design and how it can be found in the world all around us, I am very much looking forward to seeing what the children come up with this term.

  • GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day) -Page 39 - 40 Passive and Active Voice
  • Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday
  • Percentage - Revision book 30 and 31
  • PE - Thursday and Friday afternoon (please ensure your PE kit is in school all week)
  • Spellings: List 15

250222 List 15



Friday 11th February 2022

science 1science 2

This week the children in Lions class have produced some beautiful pieces of writing all about birds, it was excellent to see them independently researching and taking down the facts. In History, children learned about the hairstyles and clothing of the Indus Valley people and this tied in nicely with their artwork where they sculpted full figurines of busts of the Indus Valley people. In writing, children have planned many of their ideas for writing a 'finding tale' and I very much look forward to seeing them executing their final pieces after half term. Children in Lions class are really getting into the story of Bilbo Baggins this term and particularly enjoyed his encounter with Gollum - this week they have been writing their own retrieval questions based on Chapter 5. In music, we focused on Ravel's Bolero and the children were able to coordinate some mime movements to accompany the music - they worked collaboratively and the final performance was very impressive. They also found out about the role of the conductor and how they might be useful to keep performers in time.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day)

Page 26 and 27: Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday. Please finish reading Chapter 5 of Hobbit in preparation for next term:



Spellings: List 14


List 14

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Friday 4th February 2022

300122 houses1

This week in Lions, children have started to learn how to write a 'Finding Tale' it will really great to see all of their ideas when they wrote their cold writes. In Science, children continued to create some awesome PowerPoints all about the life cycles of amphibians and insects. In recognition of Northamptonshire Mental Health awareness day, children spent some time exploring their own feelings this week and created some fantastic posters to display around the school. In topic, children created some excellent floor plans for a typical Indus Valley home.

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day)

Page 14 - 15 Adverbials

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons - Please bring swimming caps if you have them

Reading - It is important that you read regularly at home and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Bonus Spellings (2) from recent assessment (These will not be on Spelling Shed this week):

060222 spelling list 15

Friday 28th January 2022

280122 seals

It has been a fabulous week in Lions, with many of the children creating some excellent Indus Valley seals (above). In RE children learned about the 'Eightfold Path to Enlightenment' and lots of the children were able to relate these ideas to their own experiences in life. Children have started to create presentations and posters all about the life cycles of insects in Science, which was fabulous to see. In Topic children were able to identify some of the earliest cities and towns found in the Indus Valley region and know that it wasn't until recently (in the past two hundred years) that many of these sites were discovered. Children have been super busy practising their assessment skills and all deserve a well earned rest this weekend!

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons - Please bring swimming caps if you have them

Reading - It is extremely important that you read regularly and complete your Reading Records which will be checked on Monday

Bonus Spellings (1) from recent assessment(These will not be on Spelling Shed this week)

  • weightless
  • usually
  • essential
  • adventurous
  • cautious
  • vague
  • council
  • architect
  • descendant
  • inconceivable

GPS - SATs Revision Books (These must be brought in to school every day)

Page 16 -17 Pronouns

Friday 21st January 2022

210122 wonderful writing

It was really fantastic this week to see Lions class applying themselves to advert writing, they have produced some fabulous pieces of work! In RE, children enjoyed finding out about 'The Four Noble Truths' in Buddhism and many of them have committed these to memory which is super. This week children created some amazing fact files comparing the life cycles of amphibians and mammals, we now know that frogs and hedgehogs share some similarities but also have many differences. Lions class have started to create 'Knowledge Organisers' for all of the things they learn about the Indus Valley Civilisation and many of them have been presented beautifully - the children are taking real pride in this. In ICT children have started to plan their own websites, things they will include on the front page and what the website has to offer. It will be great to see them beginning to build them next week using Google Sites.

Topic Homework - Upload or hand in by Friday 4th March


you can upload your work here:

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons - Please bring swimming caps if you have them

Y6 Spelling List - List 13

210122 List 13



p faraut 2

Friday 14th January 2022

In PSHE this week children learned about the risks associated of posting comments online and how quickly information spreads in an online environment. In writing, children in Year 6 have started to plan their own persuasive adverts and they have some amazing ideas for gadgets that a spy like Alex Rider could use. Children are starting to learn about some life processes in Science and already that these include birth, growth, reproduction, aging and death. We have begun learning about Buddhism is RE and this week we specifically focused on the story of Siddhartha Gautama. In Art children took a closer look at the sculptures of Phillipe Faraut and excited to start working with clay this term.

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons - Please bring swimming caps if you have them

Y6 Spellings List 12

Year 6 List 12

Friday 7th January 2022

indus 3

What a lovely start to the year. Already children have started to learn about where to plot the Indus civilisation on a timeline and equally what other things were happening in the world at this time. Children have started to explore the pattern of a 'persuasive advert' and next week will begin to plan their own. Children in Y6 also had their first swimming lesson this week and it was great to see everyone showing what they already know. This term children will learn how to play basketball and netball with GLK and it will be great to see them building on their communication skills as they work together in teams.

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons - Please bring swimming caps if you have them

Y6 Spellings List 11

Year 6 List 11


Friday 17th December 2021


It has been amazing to see Y6 children working so hard this week to construct their biodomes. In the end, Carwyn came up with idea of creating a landscape (a little bit like the Eden Project) and think they did a fabulous job - good thinking Carwyn! Lion class also worked extremely hard to complete their cross-curricular writing this week and have produced some excellent reports all about Amazonian tribes, biodomes and extinct animals. Children have also made some progress with their 'persuasive adverts' this week, thinking about the vocabulary and language you'd expect to find in an advert. It was great for the children to wind down this afternoon with GLK, playing basket football and basketball matches outside. As Y6 class teacher, I am very proud of what you have all achieved this term and am very much looking forward to getting stuck in next term. 

Have a great Christmas!

Mr Flynn

Friday 10th December 2021

vr headset 3

It has been a really fabulous week in Lions this week. As we draw closer to Christmas, there have been so many lovely things going on. Year 6 enjoyed a trip to the church where they learned lots and took part in lots of crafty activities. In RE this week, children looked at and discussed lots of depictions of Jesus and how these have changed over time. In Science we learned about adaptation and how different have had to adapt to survive and avoid extinction. It is really great to be starting a new unit of writing and Lions have really enjoyed learning about 'iSpecs' - eyewear of the future! They then presented the product in the way that you'd expect to see on a shopping channel and did a brilliant job of convincing the audience to pick up the phone and order. Children have now started to construct matchstick biodomes in DT but will need more time to perfect their models, can't wait to see the finished piece of work. We continued in Music this week to learn about journeys and how solo performance seem so much more intimate than ensemble performances. In PE, it was great to have a tournament of 'Scorpion Football' and many children now know and understand the rules.

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Spellings this week: Year 6 Extra Spelling List 2

extra list 2

Friday 3rd December 2021

writng examples

This week in Lions class children have enjoyed learning how to play Scorpion Handball in PE. This is particularly because the children can only move in certain ways. In computing children extended their knowledge of 3D modelling by learning to rotate and duplicate objects, this week started to design keyrings. In PSHE children talked about why friendship is so important and have begun to designs posters to help spread the word. Lions class have been really focussed on their writing this week and have produced some fabulous non-chronological reports this week, I am so proud them all!

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Spellings this week: Year 6 Extra Spelling List 1

Extra Spelling List 1

Friday 19th November 2021

news2 191121news191121

This week in Year 6 children have been thinking how environmental variables effect the way things grow. It will be interesting to see whether the seeds need water and light. In DT children have planned their biodomes and started to construct their ideas, we are really looking forward to taking this to level and using wood for the final design. In writing this week, Lions have started to draft their final versions of their non-chronological reports - I can't wait to read their 'hot writes' about animals from the Amazon. Children were keen to learn more about Jesus in their studies of Christianity this week.

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Spellings this week: Year 6 List 10

Year 6 List 10


Friday 12th November 2021


It was brilliant to see Lions children performing their class assembly this week with so much confidence,  it just goes to show how much they have learned about the Amazon Rainforest this term. In writing, children enjoyed looking at some alternative versions of non-chronological reports in preparation for their own writing. They have learned about 'selective breeding' in Science and can discuss the benefits and disadvantages with confidence. In reading, we have started an new book and the children are clear enjoying finding out about Alex Rider's action packed adventure. In topic this week, Lions class found out the Yanomami tribe of the Amazon and how their lives differ so greatly to our own.

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Spellings this week: Year 6 List 9

Year 6 List 9


Friday 5th November 2021

three dogs

Lions class have had an incredible start back to the term. They have started a new unit in PSHE all about ‘Valuing Difference’ particularly thinking about how they would respond in various situations surrounding bullying - I was very impressed with their responses and reasoning around this subject. In PE this week, children have been learning the rules of how to play seated volleyball focusing specifically on working as a team and equally maintaining balance whilst seated. In Science, Lions class have started to consider ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ and this week have thought about how animals of the same type can be different. Children enjoyed collecting the types of words which might be used in a non-chronological report and I know many have ready thought about how they might use them in their own writing. We are looking forward to a fabulous term ahead in the run up to Christmas!

PE this term: Thursday and Friday afternoons

Spellings this week: Year 6 List 8

Year 6 List 8

Friday 22nd October 2021

AFD egg2


This week in Lions we were excited to see that an Arctic Frost Dragon visited the classroom, this has been helping children to map out non-chronological reports which we will be learning more about after half term. In Science this week, it was interesting to compare the life cycles of humans with other mammals. Children in Lions enjoyed discussing different types of relationships with Mrs Parker in PSHE and it was great to see players being selected for certificates by the cricket coach this week.


Have a wonderful half term and stay safe!


PE in Lions - Tuesday and Friday


Spellings Y6 List 7


Week 7 List 8

Friday 15th October 2021

eggs 3


Children in Year 6 had an amazing time dancing and singing the 'World Unite Song' in the church this week for Harvest - I was so proud of them all because it took lots of courage! The children have written some excellent stories this week in writing and should be very pleased with their first Hot Write this year. In PSHE, we discussed how our moods can effect how well our days go and children enjoyed thinking about Dan could have improved his day. In RE, Lions class listened to a range of different hymns and learned about how Christians use singing as a form of worship. Children have drawn detailed diagrams of the inside of a fertilised egg in Science and labelled all of the parts accordingly - This triggered some thoughtful conversations about birds and eggs.




Week 6 list 7


Lions Class Update (08/10/21)

drawing cats

This week, children in Lions class enjoyed developing their Henry Rousseau studies by learning how to draw cats. This will look wonderful when they add them to their final piece over the next few weeks. Children have been drafting their final versions of their suspense stories ready to 'Hot Write' next week and many of them are using lots of the features found in a suspense story. Children in Lions class enjoyed learning about the different types of animals you'd expect to find at various layers of the Amazon rainforest. In PSHE, we talked about how to handle challenging situations in peer groups and lots of children showed that they know how to stand strong and confidently choose between wrong and right. A group of children learned to ride their bikes safely using the roads around Bozeat this week and it was great to see many children confidently cycling home from school.

Lion Class Update (23/09/21)

HR 1

Year 6 children have had an excellent week. They have been learning how to write a tale of fear and many children have been able to identify words and phrases used in similar texts which they could build into their own independent writing later on in the term. They have been learning about the Henry Rousseau and his paintings and were surprised to find out that he had never even visited a rainforest. In computing, children have been learning how information is stored and retrieved, making it easier to search for something specific. Children in Lions class this week have enjoyed finding out about 'The Lord's Prayer' and what it means  as part of their study of Christianity this term.

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