Panthers Class Blog

 PE days are now TUESDAY and FRIDAY

If your child wears earrings, please ensure they can take them out independently and have a safe place to store them during PE.

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Summer 1 - Week 6 Review (20/05 - 24/05)

Thank you so much for all the well wishes as I now leave to have my baby. I wish the children all the best for the rest of the year and as they transition to their new class next year! :)

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s continued their learning of money by looking at comparing and estimating money. The Year 5s completed their unit of position and direction and started looking at decimals (adding and subtracting).

RE: In RE the children looked at the symbolism of hand gestures in Buddhism.

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Art: In Art the children completed their Cubism portraits by painting them.

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History: In History the children looked at children's lives back in Victorian times. Some children acted out some scenes from Victorian life and others wrote diary entries as if they were a Victorian child.

PSHE: In PSHE the children considered how different people have different preferences, so they had to design a hotel brochure that offers a range of facilities that different people would enjoy.

Computing: In Computing we programmed the microbits to be a night light by coding it to detect the light level of the room. We also coded them so that we could play rock, paper, scissors with them!

No spellings this week. Enjoy your week off! :) 

Summer 1 - Week 5 Review (13/05 - 17/05)

Maths: This week the Year 5s have been looking at position and direction, reading coordinates and describing translation. The Year 4s have finished their learning of decimals and have started looking at money, using decimals to write down money and represent 1p as hundredths.

RE: In RE the children finished watching a video about Angulimala and drew a storyboard to represent his story.

Art: In Art the children overlapped a photo of them facing forwards with a photo of them facing sideways. Then they traced over the photos to create a Picasso inspired portrait.

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History: In History we looked at what school life was like in Victorian times. The children wrote descriptions of what they had learnt and created their own Education Acts describing how they would like education to be ran in this country.

Science: In Science we looked at how flowers are classified in different shapes and researched different flowers that match each shape - we then described them in detail, looking at the shape / colour / arrangement / number of the petals.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4breowig      Y5 Y5ibgiore

 Summer 1 - Week 4 Review (07/05 - 10/05)

Maths: This week the Year 4s have been looking at partitioning and comparing decimals.

History: In History the children finished their biographies of Queen Victoria.

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Science: We looked at how scientists classify leaves and trees, then the children went outside, picked some leaves and drew them in their books. They then had to write about how each leaf fitted into the classifications (stalk, serrations, arrangement, simple/compound).

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Computing: In Computing the children used the microbits to create emotion badges. They created codes so that when you click the buttons, the LED display changes.

Music: In Music we learnt to play a song called Let's Dance from the 1960s. The children played ostinati on the drums and tambourines and then we played chords on the chime bars.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 foibegoiw     Y5 Y5 doibfoweibo

Summer 1 - Week 3 Review (29/04 - 03/05)

Maths: In Maths the Y4 children continued their learning of decimals by using number bonds to 10 and 100 to help them make wholes using tenths and hunderedths.

RE: In RE the children learnt about the story of Angulimala. 

Art: In Art the children practised drawing a Cubist portrait, so half of their face is facing forwards and half is facing sideways.

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History: In History we learnt all about Queen Victoria and the children wrote biographies.

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Computing: In computing the children continued to learn to code the microbit and we made it display a beating heart.

Science: In Science the children looked at the patterns of insects visiting plants. Which insects visit plants, how often they visit plants, why they visit plants, when they're most likely to visit plants and which plants are their favourites.

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Music: In music the children learnt to play the Bridal March by learning the melody on the chime bars and using untuned percussion instruments to play the rhythm.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 oiebfiow     Y5 y5 DJBFSDBfi

Summer 1 - Week 2 Review (22/04 - 26/04)

Thank you to all those who came into school wearing yellow on Monday to show support for the Air Ambulance. I was very impressed with how many people got involved and looked great doing so!

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s have continued their decimal learning and have been looking at tenths and hundredths, as well as dividing 1 and 2-digit numbers by 10 to get decimal answers.

RE: In RE the children compared different aspects of Buddhism to other religions they have learnt.

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Art: In Art the children learnt about the history of Cubism and looked at Pablo Picasso.

History: In History we made timelines of the British monarchy.

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PSHE: In PSHE the children looked at the difference between choices they can make compared to choices others make for them.

Science: In Science the children learnt about different types of seed and how they are dispersed, as well as then looking at berries and the wide range of colours that can be found.

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Computing: The children really enjoyed the computing lesson this week as we started our learning of using Microbits. They learnt how to create their own code and download it onto the Microbit so that it displays their name like a name badge.

Music: In Music the children listened to the renaissance dance song La Morisque and learnt how to play it using tambours, tambourines and chime bars.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4bfodibklbsd     Y5 Y5fiobdf

Summer 1 - Week 1 Review (16/04 - 19/04)

Welcome back!! Hooray for the Summer term - I can't wait for brighter and warmer days! I hope you all had a lovely, restful and relaxing Easter holidays.

The children have wonderfully welcomed a new face into our class this week, so thank you and well done to them!

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4 finished their learning of fractions and started their learning of decimals. We are feeling confident with tenths already!

Science: In Science we started our new topic of 'Our Changing World' focusing on plants. We looked at how trees change through the seasons and researched why different flowers grow best at different times of the year.

Computing: In Computing we considered the impact of using devices close to bedtime and how it can affect our sleep.

PE: On Thursday we had an exciting morning with lots of movement! The children experienced a taster golf lesson and then also had their first tennis lesson of the term.

PSHE: This week in our PSHE lesson we looked at 'What makes me ME'. The children considered what is similar and different about them compared to their friends, and then had to plan a day out with a partner, compromising ideas so the plan involved things they would both enjoy.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4bfeoib     Y5 Y5ioewbw


Spring 2 - Week 4 Review (18/03 - 22/03)

I can't believe we're at the end of term already! It has been a super quick but exciting term.

Thank you to all the parents who came to support their children in their Rocksteady concert this week - it's always great to see the fruition of their hard work and dedication.

The children also got to go to the church to celebrate Easter on Wednesday afternoon. We heard the Easter story, acted it out and also did some fun craft activities.

Maths: In Year 4 children having been looking at equivalent fractions and adding fractions.

RE: In RE we looked at the Buddhist holy writings; what they're called, how they're presented and the history behind them.

History: In History we looked at Ancient Egyptian myths; specifically the story of Osiris and Seth. The children made a storyboard to show this.

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Music: In Music we sung a song in Spanish - learning the phrase "Como te llamas?"

No spellings - enjoy your lovely, long break! :)


Spring 2 - Week 3 Review (11/03 - 15/03)

We have had another exciting week this week! It has been Science Week so the children have completed their own research project about 'What happened to all the dinosaurs?'. We also took part in a lego workshop, building features from Ancient Egypt that we've looked at in our History lessons.

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Maths: In Maths the Year 4s continued their learning of fractions by looking at improper fractions and converting between those and mixed numbers both ways.

RE: In RE we looked at the Buddhist festival of Wesak.

DT: In DT the children started to create their Egyptian chariots using woodwork skills. 

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Science: In science, the children were put into groups and tasked to become 'experts' in a particular group of vertebrate animals. They then had to collate ideas with other children and create a poster of facts about vertebrate animals.

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PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about how the countries of the world are part of an organisation called the United Nations. We discussed that the countries sign and agree to children's rights and we looked at what their rights are.

Music: In Music we learnt to follow a circular diagram to understand the structure of a song.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4ibfoew     Y5 Y5bfoir

Spring 2 - Week 2 Review (04/03 - 08/03)

We have had a fun week for World Book Day week! We had an exciting visit from author Megan Rix on Wednesday and got to take part in a drama workshop based on The Iron Man on Thursday!

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Maths: Year 4s have continued their learning of fractions by looking at mixed numbers - partitioning them, putting them on number lines and comparing and ordering them.

DT: In DT the children designed their own Ancient Egyptian chariots, thinking about what materials and measurements they will need to use.

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History: In History we looked at the Ancient Egyptian creation story and created a family tree of the gods.

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Science: In Science we looked at how we can use branching keys to group and separate animals. The children used a branching key to identify key facts about pond and aquatic animals.

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Music: In Music the children were put into groups to learn an ostinato using body percussion. We then layered each group up to perform altogether as a canon.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4jgnfelagn     Y5 Y5bfdisub

Spring 2 - Week 1 Review (26/02 - 01/03)

Welcome back!

Maths: Year 4s have now started their learning of fractions in maths.

RE: In RE we looked at what Buddhists call 'The Middle Way' - the idea of living in a balance of overindulgence and hardship.

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DT: In DT we looked at the history of war in Ancient Egypt and the use of chariots as a means of transportation and weaponry. The children will be designing and creating their own wooden chariots this term.

History: In History we looked at the development of architecture in Ancient Egypt, specifically pyramids.

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PSHE: In PSHE we looked at who helps us keep healthy and safe. We considered different job roles and what their duty involves. We then considered what our duty is in order to help these people complete their jobs.

Music: In Music we listened to a song called Everybody's Building and we used 4 different ways of body percussion to represent the background sounds.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4obifs     Y5 Y5ioebs

Spring 1 - Week 6 Review (12/02 - 16/02)

Hope you all have a lovely time off the coming week for half term! Well done for all your hard work this term :)

Maths: In maths the children in Year 4 have been learning about perimeter.

RE: In RE we looked at the Buddhist belief of the Eight-Fold Path.

Art: In Art the children evaluated their paintings from last week.

History: In History, the children went into groups to research either Alexander the Great or Cleopatra and began creating a PowerPoint Presentation about who they were and their impact on Ancient Egypt.

PE: In PE we completed our topic of Dance by using the different shapes and movements we've learnt to combine them into our own sequences.

Computing: In Computing the children completed editing their videos and then we watched them all - I loved the addition of slow motion and sound effects that the children had creatively added to their videos!

Spring 1 - Week 5 Review (05/02 - 09/02)

Panthers have done amazingly well this week during their termly test week! The results I have calculated so far are very impressive and they should be very proud of themselves.

RE: In RE we looked at The Four Noble Truths and the children considered whether they personally agree or disagree with Buddha's outlook on life.

Art: In Art the children created their own expressionist portrait of themselves. We worked very hard to follow step-by-step instructions. Firstly, creating our background involving 2 colours and making it look 'streaky'. then we drew our portrait on top that we designed last week - remembering to draw each feature carefully. Then when painting our portrait we were focusing on the expressionist idea of using different colours and trying to show highlights / shadows.

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Safer Internet Day: Tuesday for Safer Internet Day so we watched the BBC live lesson of the day and took part in an activity to consider the positives and negatives of AI technology.

History: In History we looked at the role of Pharaohs and wrote down the social hierarchy of the Ancient Egyptian society. We then compared this to our own society today.

Computing: The children used the iMovie software to begin editing their videos using features such as splitting scenes, changing the speed, adding text and changing the audio.

Science: In Science we looked at how fossils are made and in groups of 3, children compared the development of fossils of ammonites, sea urchins and dinosaurs.

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PSHE: Children's Mental Health Awareness Week: This week we focused our lesson on the 2024 theme of 'My Voice Matters'. We spoke about how we are all unique and have our own interests and opinions, but also about how everyone deserves to be listened to with respect and kindness.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 foiehge     Y5 Y5ibegw

Spring 1 - Week 4 Review (29/01 - 02/02)

Maths: The Year 4s started their new unit of Length and Perimeter this week; looking at measuring in km and m, equivalent lengths and perimeter on a grid.

RE: In RE we learnt about the The Three Marks of Existence: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.

Art: In Art the children designed their own expressive portrait to paint next week. We watched a video showing us how to accurately draw facial features.

History: In History we learnt about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter.

Science: In Science we thought about how rocks change over time, and then looked at what different types of soil we have around school.

Computing: The children continued to video their scenes, ready to import and edit next week.

Music: In Music we looked at the Glenn Miller song 'In The Mood' from the 1940s. We then sung 'Hey Mr Miller' as a round with 3 parts.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4bfoibd     Y5 Y5oifbd

Spring 1 - Week 3 Review (22/01 - 26/01)

Maths: In maths this week the year 4s focused on division and using their short division method (bus stop).

RE: In RE we looked at the Three Jewels of Buddhism.

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Art: In Art, the children got to practise creating an expressionist piece of art.

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History: In History the children mapped how the Ancient Egypt civilisation was impacted over time. We plotted the invasion of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire.

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Science: In Science we considered how rocks are used to make statues, and so tested how hard different rocks were and if they were waterproof or permeable.

PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about different ways to keep ourselves safe in situations.

Computing: In Computing children explored the different features you can use to help record video and audio. They then tested it out by recording a section of their storyboard and watching it back to look for possible improvements.

Music: In Music we sung along to some Spiritual songs and sang them in a round.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4bow     Y5 Y5oibewgb

Spring 1 - Week 2 Review (15/01 - 19/01)

Maths: Both the Year 4s and 5s this week have been learning about multiplication and using their formal written method - column method.

RE: In RE we started our new topic of Buddhism and looked at how Buddha became the Buddha and the story of his enlightenment.

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Art: In Art we looked at our key artist Edvard Munch and considered his history and impact on culture.

History: In History we looked at where Egypt was and used atlases to plot some key points and places on a map.

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PE: In PE we continued exploring Dance and practised using some floor shapes and moving between shapes.

Science: In science the children got to go outside and explore how different types of rock have been used around the school. We considered why certain rocks are used for specific purposes due to their properties.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed what the word 'dare' means and spoke about how it has two different meanings; as a verb and as a noun. We looked at different scenarios and considered whether they would be considered a 'dare' or whether it was just coercive behavior.

Computing: In Computing we started our topic of Video Editing. We considered what a video is, how the development of video has changed over time and the impact of adding audio. The children then designed a storyboard ready to create their own videos to edit and produce in groups.

Music: In Music we learnt the terms Aerophone, Chordophone, Membranophone and Idiophone to describe different instruments and how they make their sounds. We then learnt how to 'beatbox' and put our skills into a song.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 oeigfoiena4     Y5 Y5ifoig


Spring 1 - Week 1 Review (08/01 - 12/01) 

Maths: The Year 4s this week have continued their learning of multiplication and division by multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We are learning to move our numbers along our place value columns which will help us when we learn about decimals!

Science: In science we started our new topic of Rocks. The children looked at different rocks using magnifying glasses then described their properties. Using this we made branching keys to show the similarities and differences between the rocks.

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Art: In Art we started our topic of Expressionism and answered questions about the impact of Expressionism on history and culture.

History: In History we started our new topic of Ancient Egypt and the children created a timeline in their books, showing the progression of Ancient Egypt compared to the progression in Britain at the same time.

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PE: In PE we started our new Dance unit. We looked at creating different standing shapes with our body.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed the difference between a risk, danger and hazard.

Computing: In computing we discussed how we often only know people based on their 'reputation' e.g. celebrities. Therefore, the children chose a celebrity to write a biography about but had to be mindful about what search engine they were using and what websites they were getting their information off. We spoke about how not every website provides accurate information and how some writings cannot be trusted e.g. news.

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Snowsmith Workshop: On Wednesday, the children had an exciting opportunity to experience a workshop by performing arts group Half a String. In groups, the children did some role play and then used recycling to become inventors and create their own snow machines.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4ofidbs4     Y5 Y5fbosdib


Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and had some time to relax!

Spellings this week:

Y4     Y4bfdifbwo     Y5 Y5fiewoibgeq


Autumn 2 - Week 6 Review (04/12 - 08/12)

Maths: This week Year 4s have been continuing their multiplication and division topic by looking at the 12 times tables, multiplying by 1 and 0 and dividing by 1 and itself.

DT: In DT the children have begun creating their campaigns on their group PowerPoint presentation, communicating only via the chat function on Teams.

Geography: In Geography we looked at the importance of different plants in the rainforest. We spoke through different food items we can extract and which plants can be used for medicine to treat different ailments. The Year 4s then used this information to design a menu and the Year 5s researched plants in the UK that are used as medicine as a comparison to the rainforest.

Science: In Science we discussed why we put salt on icy roads. The children put salt on some ice and observed what happens and wrote their conclusions down in their books.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed stereotypes and watched a really interesting videos about adults playing with young children and giving them stereotypically gender influenced toys to play with. 

Music: In music we learnt the chorus of a song by learning the melody and then learning a harmony and singing them together. Then the children wrote their own raps to become the verses.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 fbeowibgew2      Y5 Y5 foiefoe2

Autumn 2 - Week 5 Review (27/11 - 01/12)

Thank you to all the grandparents who came to the craft afternoon on Thursday! We made angel tree decorations and created some Christmas pictures using pompoms and tissue paper.

Maths: In Maths the Year 4s continued their learning of times tables by looking at the 7 and 11 times tables.

DT: In DT, the children planned in groups how they want to structure their rainforest campaigns, ready to start creating them online next week.

Geography: In Geography the children looked at the significance of headdresses and masks for the Kayapo people. They then designed their own headdresses that represented their identity.

PE: In PE we've been focusing on using different types of footwork.

Science: In science, the children rounded up their learning of States of Matter by making concept maps to link all their ideas together.

PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about how everyone has similarities and differences and how to show respect for these differences.

Music: In music, we listened to a news theme song and discussed what musical choices make it appropriate for a news show.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 fbeowibgew     Y5 Y5 foiefoe

Autumn 2 - Week 4 Review (20/11 - 24/11)

Thank you for coming to see the children perform in their class assembly.

Maths: Year 4 have been focusing on their 6 and 9 times tables this week.

DT: We started our new Graphics topic. The children will be creating online campaign posters to discourage deforestation. We spent our first lesson looking at examples online and noting down ideas of what pictures / fonts / slogans we could use.

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Science: In science we looked at the water cycle and spoke about where rain comes from. The children got into groups and created posters to explain the different processes of the water cycle. They then transferred this information into their book by labelling a diagram.

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Music: In music we learnt a song from Kenya, and we practised 4 different rhythms found within the song. The children used different instruments to play the rhythms.

Computing: In computing we discussed how we can use different forms of communication online, e.g., emojis, gifs, videos, pictures. the children then designed their own emoji that they think would be useful if it existed.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4ifobog     Y5 Y5dvnofbv

Autumn 2 - Week 3 Review (13/11 - 17/11)

Maths: Year 4 completed their learning of area and moved on to starting their unit of multiplication and division - starting with looking at the three times table.

Geography: In Geography, we looked at how art is important to the culture of the Kayapo people. We looked at pictures of how they paint their bodies using geometric patterns. We then designed our own geometric patterns - in monochrome and in colour.

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Science: In science, we looked at the process of condensation. We spoke about how when we boil a kettle, the 'steam' (the gas) is actually the invisible part just above the spout and the grey cloud we see is actually the gas cooling back down and becoming water vapour. The children drew two glasses, one empty and one with ice, to describe how the outside of the glass gets wet.

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PSHE: In PSHE we focused on Anti-Bullying Week. We read a story called 'Odd Dog Out' and then the children turned a picture of a dog into a 'character' of someone they admire in real life (e.g. a nurse, a firefighter, a soldier). The children then wrote acronyms to describe themselves using the word SHINE.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4oignarog47     Y5 Y5eifneiobga

Autumn 2 - Week 2 Review (06/11 - 10/11)

Maths: Year 4 completed their addition and subtraction topic by looking at efficient subtraction, estimating answers, checking strategies and then we started looking at our new topic of area.

Art: In Art the children finished their Fauvism paintings and completed evaluations of their work.

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Geography: In Geography the children considered how we can make a difference for the rainforest, for example; raising awareness, encouraging lifestyle changes, organising campaigns and creating fundraising opportunites.

Science: In science we developed our knowledge of states of matter by looking at changes of state. We looked at the definitions of melting (solid to liquid) and freezing (liquid to solid) and then considered how liquids turn into gases through evaporation.

PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about how someone's behaviour doesn't define who they are. So, if someone is being rude - it doesn't mean they are a 'rude person', it just means they are displaying rude behaviour.

Music: In music we listened to songs made using a pentatonic scale. Then the children used the chime bars to play pentatonic melodies alongside the music, and then used a hex globe to compose their own pentatonic melodies.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 foisdovs     Y5 Y5 fihsdo

Autumn 2 - Week 1 Review (30/10 - 03/11)

Welcome back all! I'm glad to see children have come back already having completed lots of homework! Can't wait to see more of it come in the next few weeks ready for us to showcase to each other (and earn lots of points!!)

Maths: Year 4s this week have been practising their column subtraction method with 4-digit numbers, starting with no exchanges, then one exchange, and lastly answering questions with more than one exchange. Year 5s have been learning about multiples and factors.

RE: In RE we looked at the two biblical narratives of the birth of Jesus. We compared what Matthew tells us with what Luke tells us and how we have combined this information to form our well-known nativity story.

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Geography: In Geography we looked at how plants and animals are being affected by humanity. We researched rainforest animals that are now endangered to find out why their population is decreasing and what we can do to help.

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PSHE: In PSHE we discussed the importance of negotiation and compromise. The children considered different situations and different ways you can compromise.

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Science: In science we started our new topic about States of Matter. We discussed the difference between solids, liquids and gases; we named their properties and then the children completed 5 investigations to learn more about gas.

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Music: In music we learnt a song called Me Tarzan, You Jane and split into two groups to perform it as a round.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 spellings aut2w1     Y5 Y5 spellings aut2w1

Autumn 1 - Week 7 Review (16/10 - 20/10)

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s completed their learning of place value and started their learning of addition and subtraction. We've been learning our addition column method, adding up to two 4-digit numbers with exchanges.

RE: In RE we completed our learning grids detailing how each country celebrates Christmas. 

Art: In Art the children drew a rainforest landscape ready to paint in the Fauvism style after half term.

Geography: In Geography the children learnt how the rainforest is an ecosystem which is where a community of plants, animals and microorganisms live together in a habitat. We looked at the effects of the rainforest on food chains, climate change, the water cycle and medicine.

PSHE: In PSHE we considered how our bodies can show the physical effects of our feelings. For example, our leg may shake if we're nervous our we may clench our fists when we're angry.

Science: In science the children used the data they collected last week to create scattergraphs. They did this to analyse the data and see if they could spot any patterns. They then wrote conclusions about what their results prove and if their predictions were correct.

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No spellings this week - enjoy your half term break!

Autumn 1 - Week 6 Review (09/10 - 13/10)

Well done to those Year 5s that took part in the football tournament on Tuesday! You did amazingly well and came in second, well done!

Maths: In Maths this week, the children completed their termly tests. We finished off the week with a lesson recapping rounding.

RE: In RE, we looked at how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world. We will be continuing this next week, looking at a total of 19 different countries and their traditions.

Geography: In Geography, the children thought about different reasons for the rise of deforestation. We considered how this would affect the lives of people living in the rainforest.

PSHE: As it was World Mental Health Day on Tuesday, we considered the vocabulary we use to describe how we're feeling, and how the different use of words can help us describe the intensity of what we're feeling. Then the children all created a sunflower that described a time where they have experienced any of the following: connected, aware, resilient, active, respected and responsible.

Science: In science the children continued their work from last week. Last week they had planned an investigation, so this week we considered what we would need to include in our results, we drew our results table and then we went outside for the children to complete their investigations and record their results - next week we will analyse the data and convert our results into a scattergraph!

Computing: In computing the children continued their work from last week - working as a group through Microsoft Teams to create a powerpoint.

Music: In music we listened to bhangra music from India and Pakistan - we then learnt a bhangra song with a rondo (an ABACA+ structure).

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 spellings week 6     Y5 Y5 spellings week 6

Autumn 1 - Week 5 Review (02/10 - 06/10)

On Monday the children had a visit from the PCSOs to remind them of how to stay safe over the following weeks, during Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s focused on Roman numerals, and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

RE: In RE we considered all the different ministries churches can provide and ways that they reach out to their community. The children then designed a flyer to promote their chosen 'ministry'.

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Art: In Art the children practised painting in the Fauvism style.

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Geography: In Geography we looked at what homes in the rainforest are made of and how they're constructed. The Y4 children then designed their own rainforest house and labelled it, and the Y5s compared the rainforest house to their own house.

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PSHE: In PSHE we considered how we could say 'no' to our friends assertively.

Science: The children compared how muscles are used for different activities. We considered how different animals use different muscles and then explored how humans use different muscles for different activities. The children then planned an investigation to test some questions, e.g. do people with longer legs run faster?

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Computing: In computing the children had to work together in groups to create a PowerPoint but they were sat in different places around the room. So they had to communicate with their group through their teams chat function and all access their PowerPoint from a shared file.

Music: In music the children created their own instruments. We replicated our own version of a bass, a vibraphone, a trombone and a snare drum.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4SW5A1     Y5 Y5SW5A1

Autumn 1 - Week 4 Review (25/09 - 29/09)

Well done to those Year 4s that took part in the football tournament on Tuesday! You did amazingly well and came in second, well done!

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s have been using number lines to place numbers to 10,000, to estimate and they have compared and ordered numbers.

RE: In RE we listened to different examples of Christian music and how they can worship within a church setting but also outside of the church building.

Art: In Art we drew a landscape ready to paint next week in the Fauvism style.

Geography: In Geography we looked at the lives of the Kayapo people and how they have lived in the rainforests for thousands of years. The children compared their own lives to the lives of Kayapo children and imagined what a day in the life would be like.

Science: In science we were learning about muscles; how we use them and how we build them. We cut open chicken legs so we could see how the muscles were attached to the bones with tendons.

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Computing: In Computing we learnt about how computers are linked through networks and how messages are sent in packets. We demonstrated this in person in the classroom, with the children creating messages and trying to get them to the right location.

Music: In Music we used a piece of paper as an instrument. We created different sound effects to represent the story line of a tree growing and being chopped down.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 spellings aut 1 week 4     Y5 Y5 spellings aut 1 week 4


Autumn 1 - Week 3 Review (18/09 - 22/09)

Thank you to all who attended the Meet the Teacher presentation - it was good to be able to give you the key information for this coming year. If you were unable to attend, please see the PowerPoint below:


The children also got the opportunity to go to the church this week for Experience Harvest. They learnt about lots of different things we can harvest, and took part in craft activities.

On Monday, we also had the opportunity to have a presentation from some professional Paralympians! We were visited Maisie Summers-Newton and Eliza and Scarlett Humphrey and the children were inspired by their stories and experiences.

Maths: In Maths the Year 4s partitioned numbers to 10,000 in standard and flexible ways, and then looked at 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 more or less.

RE: In RE we looked at prayer and specifically looked at The Lord's Prayer.

Art: In Art we created an artist info sheet about Henri Matisse.

Geography: In Geography we learnt about the four different layers of the rainforest, and then researched what animals we would find in each layer.

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Science: In science we learnt about skeletons. We compared animals with and without skeletons and learnt that they provide protection, movement and support.

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Computing: In Computing we continued our learning of systems by considering how traffic lights work and the process involved in ordering an item, what happens in the warehouse and the collection process of the shop floor. We considered which jobs are completed by humans and which jobs are completed by computers.

Music: In music we continued our focus of 'timbre'. We listened to two symphonies that were composed to sound like the Antarctic. We then learnt a song about a polar bear and used instruments to represent a happy polar and a sad polar bear due to climate change.


Y4 Y4 week 3 autumn 1     Y5 Y5 week 3 autumn 1


Autumn 1 - Week 2 Review (11/09 - 15/09)

Maths: Year 4 have been continuing their place value lessons, looking at partitioning numbers to 1000, number lines to 1000 and representing numbers to 10,000.

RE: In RE we read the story of The Last Supper in the Bible and then made a storyboard to represent this.

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Art: In Art we were introduced to the movement of Fauvism and looked at the history behind it, and the key features of the art.

Geography: In Geography we started our topic about rainforests and the children plotted rainforests on a world map.

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PSHE: In PSHE we discussed reasons why people are friends with each other. We discussed how to appropriately respond to our friends in different situations and looked at the difference between being assertive and being aggressive.

PE: Panthers and Lions class were lucky enough to have the Northampton Saints come and visit them to do a rugby PE session with them - and this will be continuing for the rest of the term.

Computing: In Computing we looked at the meaning of the word systems and looked at different examples of a system. The children designed their own toy that included a system of inputs, processes and outputs.

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Music: In music we learnt a song. We learnt the lyrics, played the drone using the chime bars, and then played an ostinato over the top using boomwhackers.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 Week 2 Y5 Y5 Week 2

Autumn 1 - Week 1 Review (06/09 - 08/09)

Welcome back to school everyone! Can't believe we're here again in September. The children have all settled back into school really well and have already been impressing me in their lessons.

Maths: We officially started our maths for the year, starting with Place Value. The Year 4s were all confident with numbers up to 1000.

Science: In science we spoke about what the body needs to survive, and why it's important to eat a balanced diet. We discussed how the different types of food help our bodies in different ways.

PSHE: In PSHE we explored the importance of collaboration. The children had to work together to act out a 'machine' e.g. a toaster, a washing machine, etc.

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Computing: In computing we discussed the importance of protecting your information and not putting certain things online. We spoke about identities being stolen and how people can copy, modify and alter what you share online.

Music: In music we thought about the timbre of our instruments and used them to represent the different seasons of the year. We then listened and compared this to Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 Week 1     Y5 Y5 week 1


Summer 2 - Week 6 Review (10/07 - 14/07)

We have enjoyed lots of different performances in school this week! On Tuesday we enjoyed watching the Year 6 performance, on Wednesday we rocked out in the rocksteady concert and on Thursday we listened to the fantastic Jaguars class in their brass band.

Maths: In Maths we have continued to look at volume by comparing and estimating volume.

RE: In RE we looked at different Sikh organisations and how they help people. We linked this to the three types of sewa (service): Tan, Man and Dhan.

Science: In science we recapped what we have learnt about the circulatory system and we created body wheels to represent the different parts. You turn it to read the different functions of each part.

PSHE: The Year 5s has a lesson involving labelling the external sexual organs and talking about the myths people associate with puberty.

Music: In Music we learnt a song about a bike. It involved singing different parts and using instruments to add in sound effects.


Summer 2 - Week 5 Review (03/07 - 07/07)

I hope everyone enjoyed their transition days! It was lovely to spend time getting to know each other as a new class.

Maths: This week the Year 5s finished their topic of converting units and started their new, and final, topic of volume.

Topic: This week they have continued working in their groups to develop their Dragons Den Fair Trade project.

Science: In Science we looked at the importance of water in the body.

Computing: This week the children learnt to create a code in scratch that meant they switched costumes and animated their own name.

Music: In music we learnt to play untuned instruments to a song and then tuned instruments. Children also had to practise syncopation - playing on the off-beat.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4     Y5 Y5


Summer 2 - Week 4 Review (26/06 - 30/06)

Maths: In maths this week we have continued looking at measurements, specifically units of length, comparing metric and imperial measurements, units of time and using timetables.

RE: In RE we looked at the importance of Sewa to Sikhs. We specifically looked at the langar.

Topic: In Geography the children have started a 'Dragons Den' group project that they will be working on in the following weeks. They have designed a Fairtrade product that they want to produce, manufacture and sell. They have to consider all the cost implications and how they can make a profit, including; paying the producers fairly, importing the product, manufacturing the product and packaging, distributing the product, marketing the product and selling it through different channels. They are creating a PowerPoint presentation to present all their information to a 'Dragon' who will choose which group they want to invest in.

PSHE: In PSHE this week we discussed British Values. We spoke about what all 5 mean and how they apply to our school environment.

Science: In science the children made fact files about the different parts of the blood; plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. They then gathered 'ingredients' together to make 'blood soup'.

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Music: In music we listened to and learned songs that involve drones. The children used the Boomwhackers to play the drone throughout the background of the song whilst other children sang. We also focused on a key word 'unison' and learnt a song where we were singing in two separate groups, but then some parts were sung in unison.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4 week 4     Y5 Y5 week 4

Summer 2 - Week 3 Review (19/06 - 23/06)

Thank you to all those parents who came to support Sports Day. The children did amazingly well and really enjoyed themselves. 

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 5s have been looking at converting units; kg and g, km and m, mm and m and ml and l.

Science: In science the children came up with questions about the heart / blood that they wanted to answer and then used the iPads to research the answers.

DT: In DT the children started the process of making their bags. We will be continuing this next week.

PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about how there is always someone that will listen to them. Even if they have tried some people and been ignored, to be resilient and think of other people they trust that they can go to.

Topic: In Geography the children considered how Fairtrade helps people in developing countries in a variety of ways: environment, farming, community, livelihood and youth.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Year 4 spellings week 3     Y5 Year 5 spellings week 3


Summer 2 - Week 2 Review (12/06 - 16/06)

Multiplication Check: Well done to the Year 4s who completed their multiplication check this week! We are very proud of how hard you have tried and how confidently you took the test.

We also had a visit from the Olympic athlete James Dasaolu. The children enjoyed taking part in an athletics circuit with him.

Maths: In Maths the Year 5s have been finishing off their negative numbers topic, and the Year 4s have started their new shape topic.

RE: In RE the children looked at the important symbols of Sikhism and what they all mean, including the 5K's.

DT: In DT the children designed what they would like their reusable shopping bag to look like. Please remember to send the children in with an old t-shirt for Monday's lesson.

Topic: The children finished their Fairtrade posters this week.

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PSHE: In PSHE we discussed Healthy Eating Week and spoke about what different foods we could have in a healthy packed lunch.

Science: In science the children made models of the heart to show the four chambers (right and left atrium, right and left ventricle) and then added the aorta, arteries and veins. They then drew this as a diagram in their book and labelled the different parts.

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Computing: In Computing we used Scratch to create shapes.

Music: In Music we discussed the meaning of pitch, scale, chromatic, rhythm and syncopation. We listened to a song that demonstrated using a scale; sang along, added actions and played boomwhackers alongside it.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Su2W2Y4 Y5 Su2W2Y5


Summer 2 - Week 1 Review (05/06 - 09/06)

Welcome back everyone to the last term of the year!! I can't believe we're nearly at the end.

Maths: In Maths this week the Year 4s have been looking at money, and the Year 5s have been looking at negative numbers.

RE: In RE we looked at the special festivals that Sikhs celebrate: Bandi Chhor Divas and Vaisakhi, and learnt about the meaning behind them.

Art: In Art the children created their collages about the world issue they planned for before half term.

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Topic: In our Geography topic, we learnt about Fairtrade - what is it and what the benefits are for those around the world.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed how our feelings can be felt on different levels, for example: annoyed, cross, angry, furious.

Science: In science we looked at the circulatory system and discussed the roles of our heart, blood and blood vessels. We spoke about the importance of the lungs and the difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The Year 5s also looked at the difference between arteries and veins.

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Computing: In computing we discussed the importance of having strong passwords and how we can limit the amount of personal information people can find out about us online.

Music: In Music we looked at a song called Heartbeat that involved singing in different tempos. We also looked at a song called body-popping skeleton and spoke about the structure. It involved learning 2 verses and then an echo chorus and an echo chant that repeated in an A B structure.

Spellings this week:

Y4 W1S1S2Y4     Y5 W1S1S2Y5

Summer 1 - Week 6 Review (22/05 - 26/05)

Can't believe the last week of this half term is over already! I hope you all enjoy a lovely week off in the sunshine!

Maths: This week the Year 5s have completed their learning of decimals by multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. 

RE: In RE we learnt about what the Guru Granth Sahib contains - the Sikh holy book.

Art: In Art the children chose a world issue that they consider important and planned a political collage poster to raise awareness of this issue. We will be creating these after half term.

Topic: In Geography we looked at export. Where we export to and what we export. The children made tables and bar charts to represent this data.

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PSHE: In PSHE we looked at basic first aid. We wrote step by step instructions for what to do in 8 different situations; asthma attack, bleeding, broken bone, burns, choking, head injury, unresponsive and breathing & unresponsive and not breathing.

Science: In Science we looked at the tragic story of Haiti's earthquake, floods and subsequent outbreak of cholera back in 2010. The children then had to research and think about how they could decontaminate water and make it safe to drink.

Computing: In computing we developed our knowledge of coding to create 'programmes' and to repeat commands. We used this to create patterns using programmed shapes.

Music: We recapped our knowledge of metre, melody, improvisation, ostinato and lyrics to put together our final song in music this week. We had groups of children singing the lyrics, whilst others did some body percussion and another group playing improvised ostinatos on instruments.

No spellings over half term - enjoy your break!

Summer 1 - Week 5 Review (15/05 - 19/05)

Thank you to all who attended Book and Biscuit this week. It was lovely having you all with us to read together.

Maths: In Maths we continued our learning of decimals; using efficient methods, decimal sequences and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.

RE: In RE we looked at the key features of Gurdwaras to continue our learning of Sikhism.

PSHE: It is Mental Health Awareness week! The theme this year is Anxiety. We watched a documentary about a girl trying different methods to help control her anxiety and then we made little positive postcards.

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Science: In science the children completed an investigation to separate pure salt from rock salt. The children filtered the rock salt using paper towel and a funnel and have left the salty water out to evaporate over time. We also completed an experiment with oil and lemonade and observed what happened when we mixed them together, then added food colouring and salt.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Year 4 Spellings 5 Summer 1     Y5 Year 5 Spellings 5 Summer 1


Summer 1 - Week 4 Review (08/05 - 12/05)

Maths: In Maths we have been looking at decimals in both Year 4 and 5. Year 4 have been looking at tenths and hundredths and Year 5 have been adding and subtracting decimals.

PSHE: In PSHE we looked at independence and responsibility. We discussed how growing up involves an increase of independence but also of responsibility, and the pros and cons of growing up. We listened to 'When I Grow Up' from Matilda and spoke about the unrealistic expectations of the children in the song.

Science: In science we looked at the difference between pure and impure particles and identified different methods of purification. We then used this knowledge to plan an investigation into how to separate pure salt from rock salt.

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Art: In Art the children had a go at making their own collages.

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Music: In Music we looked at a hymn called Jerusalem and we looked at counting along with the song in a metre of 3 and 2 rather than the usual 4 we normally count in!

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S7     Y5 Y5S1S7

Summer 1 - Week 3 Review (01/05 - 05/05)

I hope you all enjoyed having an extra day at the weekend, and we have another one this weekend - yippee!

Coronation Day: Thank you for sending your children in red, white and blue for our Coronation Day and for providing them with a packed lunch for our picnic. The children looked very patriotic and we had a lovely afternoon making flags, singing coronation songs and crowning our very own King and Queen here in school! 

Maths: In maths the Year 5s have been developing their learning of decimals by adding and subtracting them.

Topic: We continued our learning of trade by looking at the global supply chain. We spoke about the 3 stages that happen by the time we can buy something in a shop; extraction, manufacturing and distribution. We also watched a fascinating documentary about how the fashion industry is damaging the environment.

PSHE: In PSHE we spoke about what community means, and how we are all part of different communities and the positives and negatives of this. We then focused on discussing our school community and we thought about how we could improve the negatives we could think of.

Music: In Music we officially completed the song we've been working on the past few weeks; Our Community. We created some more lyrics this week so we now have a verse about Bozeat in the past and a verse about Bozeat here and now. As well as a chorus and playing an accompaniment on the chime bars.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Su1Yr4Sp3     Y5 Su1Yr5Sp3


Summer 1 - Weeks 1 and 2 Review (17/04 - 28/04)

I can't believe we are already 2 weeks into the Summer term! It was lovely to welcome the children back after Easter.

Maths: In maths the Year 4s have started to look at decimals; dividing numbers by 10. The Year 5s have been focusing on co-ordinates; including translation and symmetry.

RE: In RE we have started our new topic of Sikhism. The children are excited to learn about a new religion after learning so much about Islam last term! So far we have learnt that Sikhism started with Guru Nanak, and that there are ten Gurus, including the Holy Book the Guru Granth Sahib.

Art: In Art we have started looking at collage. We are focusing on the artist Raoul Hausmann from the Dada period.

Topic: Our new topic is called 'The Apprentice' and it's all about Trade! So far the children have discussed what trade is, importing and exporting and researched where different resources come from. We have also considered why it can be beneficial to shop locally.

PSHE: In PSHE we have looked at some interesting number facts about the body. We have also considered that we all have different skills and can contribute to society in different ways. We looked at different job roles and how they can involve using a variety of skills.

Shared Reading: In Shared Reading we are looking at The Arrival by Shaun Tan. It is a graphic novel (all pictures, no words!) and the children are having fun inferring meaning from looking at the pictures in detail. We have inferred so far that the story is about a migrant who has had to leave his family to travel to somewhere new to get a job.

Science: In Science we started our topic of Marvellous Mixtures and we investigated if different solids would dissolve in liquid.

Music: In Music we are singing a song called Our Community. We have learnt the lyrics and accompany this by playing the melodic ostinato on chime bars. We also added in our own lyrics all about the Bozeat community!

Spellings this week:

Y4 Yr4Su1Sp2     Y5 Yr5Su1Sp2

Spring 2 - Week 5 Review (20/03 - 24/03)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: The Year 5s continued their learning of estimating angles and measuring up to 180 degrees using protractors.

RE: In RE we learnt about the fourth pillar of Islam - fasting (Sawm).

Art: In Art the children used all they have learnt to design their own Bauhaus-inspired poster to encourage people to visit Greece.

Topic: We learnt more about Alexander the Great and we wrote a biography about his life, focusing on presentation and including subheadings.

Science: In Science we looked at the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and also briefly looked at nuclear energy. The children then began to make PowerPoint presentations ready to present to the class next week. Year 4s are focusing on non-renewable energy sources - including the positives and negatives, and the Year 5s are focusing on renewable energy sources and their positives and negatives.

Music: In Music we focused on downbeats, making sure to keep in time and clap the beat before the vocals start. We then transferred this to playing the downbeats on chime bars and playing alongside the whole track.


Y4 Y4S2S5     Y5 Y5S2S5


Spring 2 - Week 4 Review (13/03 - 17/03)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Happy Science Week!! The children enjoyed an extremely interesting forensic science workshop on Thursday where we looked at fingerprints, footprints and other evidence in detail to solve a crime! We also watched an online workshop about wool. It was enlightening to learn that wool is helping marine life by contributing to the growth of kelp, and is also used in space to keep astronauts safe!

Maths: The Year 5s started their learning of shape this week, looking at using degrees and classifying angles.

RE: In RE we learnt the third pillar of Islam - charity (Zakat).

Art: In Art the children looked at Freyja Crow's style of graphic design. They then used this as inspiration to design a self-portrait that represents them.

Topic: In History we looked at education in Ancient Greece and the children wrote descriptions of the similarities and differences compared to our education today.


PSHE: In PSHE we discussed the different types of groups that work together to make a change. We looked at an example of a boy who helped to clear rubbish from a river and how it impacted him and the people around him.

Science: In Science this week the children had to identify the scientific symbols used in circuit diagrams. Using this, they had to identify whether a circuit would work or not and then prove it by constructing the circuits themselves.


Y4 Y4S2W4     Y5 Y5S2W4



Spring 2 - Week 3 Review (06/03 - 10/03)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: The Year 5s started their learning of statistics this week by looking at line graphs and tables.

RE: In RE we learnt the second pillar of Islam - prayer (Salah).

Art: In Art the children were introduced to the Bauhaus art school and their style of graphic design. They then used this as inspiration to design their own name board.

Topic: In History we looked at how the Ancient Greeks recorded their culture using art. From looking at pictures on vases, we deciphered information about the start of the Olympics and then researched this further.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed the importance of knowing that the news can be a mix of fact and opinion. That some news reporters can be biased and that we need to be wise in what we read and believe.

Science: In Science this week the children explored making circuits to investigate how voltage affects power. They made circuits using one cell, added another and saw the increase in power, and also added an extra component and seeing the power decrease as it was shared.

Music: In music the children choreographed a performance for the song that we learnt last week. 


Y4 S1W3Y4     Y5 S2W3Y5


Spring 2 - Week 2 Review (27/02 - 03/03)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Mosque Visit: The children got the opportunity to travel to the Mosque on Monday. It was a fantastic opportunity to see the features of a Mosque in person and also ask a Muslim any questions that they had. He was very knowledgeable and detailed and we learnt lots about Islam!

Art: In Art we started our new topic of Graphics. The children started by exploring typography and writing their name in different ways. Then they used computing skills to recreate a logo on a laptop.

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Maths: The Year 5s finished their learning of area and perimeter this week, concluding with looing at the area of compound shapes and estimating area. The Year 4s were also learning about perimeter this week!

History: This week we looked at the Parthenon in Athens and focused on looking at the Parthenon Marbles - the statues and frieze that still survive today, and what they tell us about the events that used to happen at the temple. The Year 4s created a model of the procession that would take place once a year.


Science: In Science we continued looking at how to create circuits, this week involving switches. The children made a peg switch and a pressure switch and investigated what happened when adding them into their circuits. Some children even tried to control two different components; a bulb, buzzer or motor.

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Music: In music we looked at a song comprised of ostinatos - repeated patterns. We learnt each section of the song and then put it all together.

Spellings this week:

Y4 S2S2Y4     Y5 S2S2Y5


Spring 2 - Week 1 Review (20/02 - 24/02)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: The Year 5s have been looking at perimeter and area this week. Specifically, the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and polygons, as well as the area of rectangles.

Art: In Art, the children were all given part of a landscape photo of Bozeat and had the responsibility of painting their section in the style of Van Gogh. We will then piece them all together to create one big painting.

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Topic: In History this week, we looked at democracy and it's origins in Ancient Greece. We contrasted this to our modern democracy in the UK. The children then planned and had their own class debate!

PSHE: In PSHE this week we discussed how the negativity in the news can affect us and others. The children created informative posters to give advice on how we can stay positive despite the news, and also how we can actively participate in helping people affected by the circumstances in the news e.g. earthquakes.

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Science: In Science we started our new topic of Electricity. The children used cells, bulbs and tin foil to create simple circuits and represent them using labelled diagrams in their books. We then exchanged the tin foil for wires and the children learnt the scientific symbols for bulb, cell and wires and they re-drew one of their diagrams in a scientific way.

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Computing: We started our new topic of Data Logging this week in computing. Discussing how specific questions can be answered depending on the data collected and recorded.

Music: In Music we looked at a celebration song and sang along with song. The class was split into 3 groups and we sang using harmonies. The children then got to use the chime bars to play the song using the notes.

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PE: In PE we started a new unit of Dance and practised copying standing moves, floor moves and transitioning between moves.

 Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S2S1     Y5 Y5S2S1


Spring 1 - Week 6 Review (06/02 - 10/02)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: The Year 5s have been concluding their learning of decimals and percentages by rounding to one decimal place and finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.

RE: To continue our learning of Islam, we looked at the First Pillar - the Shahadah.

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Art: In Art the children focused on painting a foreground in the style of Van Gogh. After many weeks of practise, I am really impressed with the children using lines to layer their colours and show detail!

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History: In History, the children labelled the Ancient Greek cities on a modern map, showing the conquers of Alexander the Great.

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PSHE: In PSHE we paid tribute to Mental Health Awareness by focusing on the theme of 'Connecting'. The children played a game of friendship bingo, where they had to talk to each other to find out who matched each piece of information on their sheet. And then we also thought about a way that we like to connect with our family and friends and made a jigsaw piece and a paper chain to represent these.

Science: As it was the last lesson in our unit, the children had a 'quiz' and summarised all their learning on a poster.

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Music: Our music linked to our Ancient Greek topic this week as we looked at the Opera of the Ancient Greek myth Orpheus and Eurydice. 

PE: In PE we concluded our unit of Dance and the children used everything they have learnt to create their own dance sequences.



Spring 1 - Week 5 Review (30/01 - 03/02)

These children didn't have reading records this week: Owen, Gilbert and Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Book & Biscuit: Thank you to all who came to book & biscuit. As always, the children love to have you in their school environment and it was nice to see all of you.

Timestables Test: The Year 4s did a practise trial of their timestables test this week - hopefully this helps give them some clarity and confidence to prepare them for the real thing in June.

Skateboarding: The children had the opportunity to participate in a skateboarding workshop this week - they had lots of fun and were surprised at how skilled they were!

Maths: The Year 5 children have been looking at equivalent fractions and decimals, thousandths and rounding to the nearest whole number. The Year 4s have been learning their formal method for multiplication.

RE: We looked at the Qur'an in RE and thought about the meaning of some quotes.

IMG 20230203 105718     IMG 20230203 105705Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Art: In Art, we spent further time practising how to use brush strokes to paint clouds, using different colours to create shadows.

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Topic: This week we continued our learning of temples and theatres, and the Year 4s even acted out the story of Athena and Medusa for the rest of the class!

Music: In Music we listened to two contrasting pieces of music by Franz Liszt, one the children described as 'depressing' and one as 'bright and happy'. We then used a piano app on the iPads to come up with sequences of 8 low-pitch descending notes, and 2 high pitch notes to create trills.

Computing: In Computing the children learnt to cut out a subject from one image and paste it onto another image (their background). They had previously edited their background using filters in a previous lesson.

Science: We learnt about how different invertebrates prepare themselves for winter. We focused on the difference between hibernation, torpor and diapause. We also wrote up our experiment that we will be carrying out next week.

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Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S6     Y5 Y5S1S6



Spring 1 - Week 4 Review (23/01 - 27/01)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, Gilbert, Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

PSHE Workshop: The children got to experience another PSHE workshop this week, all about puberty. I was pleased to hear how open, honest and mature they were.

RE: In RE this week we looked at the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how Islam was first revealed to him and started.

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Art: In Art, the children used paint strokes and lines to create the image of clouds, imitating the work of Van Gogh.

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Topic: In our Ancient Greek lesson, we looked at the importance of temples and theatres, and the children made a storyboard of Athena and Medusa.

PSHE: In PSHE, we discussed the impact of risks on our decision making. We considered that even decisions that hold risk can end up okay, e.g. crossing the road - there's always a risk of a car coming but there are safer ways and riskier ways to cross the road.

Science: In science we looked at different types of birds and their features.

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Computing: In Computing we considered why companies may retouch images of their products to make them more appealing and the children had their own attempt of retouching an image of food to improve it's appearance.

PE: In PE, we developed our knowledge of using shapes for dance by looking at partner shapes. In pairs, the children then choreographed their own sequences of dance to perform to the rest of the class.

Music: In groups, the children chose a place to represent using vocal sounds and words. They composed their own 4-line sequence and then chose the structure of their piece e.g., whether they wanted to order them in a certain way or layer them.

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 Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S5     Y5 Y5S1S5



Spring 1 - Week 3 Review (16/01 - 20/01)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: In Maths this week Year 5 have been focusing on finding fractions of an amount, and finding the whole. Year 4 have been looking at related facts.

RE: In RE we started looking at our topic of Islam. We focused on the key features of a mosque.

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Art: In Art, we started looking at Vincent Van Gogh. The children were really interested in the life of Van Gogh and how that affected his paintings; specifically looking at his emotions and how that linked to colour and line in his artwork.

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Topic: We continued our learning of the Ancient Greek timeline.

PSHE: In PSHE we focused on how to stay safe online by not talking to strangers, having our profiles on private and blocking anything and anyone that we don't know or is mean to us.

Science: In science the children used their own research to write a persuasive text about Why Butterflies Should Be Preserved, focusing on providing facts about butterflies, why they're important, what's affecting their population decline and how we can help.

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Computing: This week in Computing we downloaded a picture of a setting and used filters to create an atmosphere.

PE: In PE we continued our learning of dance by practising skills of moving our arms and legs in circles and morphing these into turns and jumps.

Music: In music we looked at a painting called 'Deadline' which showed a busy crowd, rushing to make a deadline. In 4 groups, the children rehearsed their part of the crowd and then we layered them on top of each other to replicate the painting. They had to keep to the beat and then when the beat was taken away, improvise and change tempo and volume.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S4     Y5 Y5S1S4



Spring 1 - Week 2 Review (09/01 - 13/01)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Cooking Day: On Monday, we did a whole day dedicated to making and eating Greek food, and researching Greek mythical creatures. In groups, the children made flatbread and hummus and alongside this, wrote non-chronological reports about Greek mythical creatures. They really enjoyed the day!

Maths: In Maths, the Year 5s have started their learning of the next aspect of fractions. They have been multiplying fractions and mixed number by integers.

PSHE: In PSHE, the children discussed the similarities and differences between bullying and cyber-bullying.

PE: In PE we have started our new unit of Dance. We looked at how Dance is just making different shapes with your body, in time to a beat.

Science: In Science we discussed how we can observe animals when we're not there. The children used the Wildlife Trust's websites to view some live webcams, and create an observation grid to track their observations over time.

Computing: In Computing, we continued our topic of Photo Editing by learning how to cut out part of a picture to paste it onto another.

Topic: In our learning of Ancient Greece, we began to look at a timeline of the different eras, starting with the Dark Ages.

Music: In Music we looked at using sounds to represent different subjects in school. They put them into a sequence and used instruments to perform their composition. We then learnt a funny song called 'Squelch!', splitting into 2 groups to sing the main vocals and the backing vocals.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S3     Y5 Y5S1S3



Spring 1 - Week 1 Review (04/01 - 06/01)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, Gilbert and Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: This week the Y5 children completed their unit of Multiplication and Division.

Science: In Science we started our new topic 'Our Changing World'. Looking at living things and their habitats and how animals are adapted to survive in their environment throughout the different seasons of the year.

Computing: In Computing we are looking at Photo Editing, starting this week with the ability to 'crop images' to only include the parts that we want.

Reading: In Reading we began looking at our new focus book: Danny The Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.

Topic: Our new topic of Ancient Greece was kickstarted this week by looking at Alexander the Great; who he was and what he did. We looked at different sources of evidence and spoke about how reliable they are.

Music: In Music this term we are focusing on the structure of songs. We learned a song called 'Don't Wake The Baby' that has 3 parts. In 3 different groups the children did really well at learning their part and then singing them altogether as a round, layered on top of one another. When we had mastered that, we also added instruments!

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S1S1     Y5 Y5S1S1



Autumn 2 - Week 6 Review (05/12 - 09/12)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, George, Gilbert. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Church trip: On Tuesday, the children got to go to the church for an hour of Christmas fun. They sang a couple of songs, acted out the nativity story and did some craft activities.

Christmas lunch: We also got to enjoy a lovely Christmas lunch altogether in the hall on Wednesday!

Rocksteady: Well done to those children in Panthers class who performed in the Rocksteady assembly on Wednesday - and thank you to all those who came to show support!

Maths: The children started their new topic of multiplication and division this week in Maths. We have learnt the formal column method for multiplying by 2-digit numbers.

RE: In RE the children learnt about the importance of the Holy Spirit for Christians. 

DT: In DT we continued creating our Maya city. We went outside and the children collected natural materials such as sand, gravel and moss to add to their Maya creations to make them look authentic. I can't wait to see it all together, completed, this coming week!

PE: In PE we played (or attempted to) the Maya ball game of Pok-ta-Pok. It was much harder than the Maya made it look!

Music: In music this week, we discussed the meaning of different key words we use to describe music. Such as beat, rhythm, pitch and tempo. The children also looked at musical notation and learnt the difference between crotchet and quavers.

Spellings this week:

Y4 Y4S13     Y5 Y5S13



Autumn 2 - Week 5 Review (28/11 - 02/12)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, Tyler, Gilbert. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Thank you to everyone who came along to Book and Biscuit on Tuesday afternoon. The children love having you in their classroom with them!

Maths: In Maths this week the children have continued their learning of fractions by looking at subtracting fractions and subtracting from a mixed number. The year 4s have continued their learning of the times tables and multiplication facts.

RE: In RE we looked at life after death and read the Parable of the Sheep and Goats to help us understand what Christians believe about it.

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Saints: The children have now completed their sessions with the Saints Rugby team and they have fed back that they really enjoyed them!

Science: In Science we completed an experiment to see how oxygen affects a fire. The children timed how long a candle would stay lit inside different sized jars, and then concluded that the larger the capacity of the jar, the longer the candle would stay lit due to more oxygen being available in the jar.

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MAYA DAY: On Thursday the children took part in their 'Maya Day'! We had a presentation from a real Maya Archaeologist (Dr Diane Davies) who showed us what it was like to be an archaeologist in the Mayan jungle - with lots of raw footage from her experiences. She also shared lots of interesting things they had discovered about the Maya whilst on their expedition and we got to look in detail at 20 Maya artefacts - thinking about what they were made from, what their uses were and who would have owned them. The children also got to experiment using Maya maths and we also made a Mayan calendar that we can use today! 

Spellings this week:

Y4 Capture8     Y5 ifua


Autumn 2 - Week 4 Review (21/11 - 24/11)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

First of all, thank you for all your engagement this week with our Class Assembly and Grandparents afternoon! We had great fun doing both and the children loved showing off what they've learnt to you. 

Maths: In Maths this week the children have been continuing their work on fractions by looking at adding fractions and mixed numbers. The Year 4s have been continuing their learning of multiplication, looking at the times tables.

RE: In RE we looked at the work of chaplains. Specifically, hospital chaplains, prison chaplains and armed forces chaplains. Some great discussion was had about how people in all these situations are in need of guidance and support.

Shared Reading: In Shared Reading, we have been focusing on finding evidence in the text to back up statements. As well as adding an explanation.

Science: In Science we looked at burning. I lit a tealight candle and the children observed what the flame looked like and the reaction when the wick was burning and wax was melting.

Topic: In Topic we looked at Mayan kings and the activities they would partake in to portray themselves as gods.

As Friday was a training day, our spelling test will take place next Friday. Therefore, the spellings are the same as last week and the children get an extra week to learn them!



Autumn 2 - Week 3 Review (14/11 - 18/11)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Thank you to all children who wore odd socks on Monday to help promote anti-bullying week! We had some fabulous ones in Panthers class, see below:

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The children have also been working very hard this week preparing for our class assembly. The children have been preparing their presentations independently and we are so excited to welcome you to watch it on Wednesday afternoon.

Maths: In Maths this week the children have continued their learning of fractions by looking at comparing and ordering fractions and beginning to add and subtract fractions.

RE: In RE, we looked at the charity Christian Aid and spoke about how they helped to combat poverty around the world and the importance of this.

DT: In DT the children began making their 3D model of a Mayan city! We had a group doing papier mache to create the rough ground and causeways, and other children using clays to begin constructing their buildings.

PSHE: In PSHE this week, the children wrote a positive letter to a child in another school. This was in honour of anti-bullying week, and the importance of spreading kindness.

Shared Reading: In Shared Reading, we researched what tenements were and what it was like to live there. This was to help us understand the context of our focus story more. The children used this to come up with interesting adjectives to describe the tenements.

Science: In Science, the children performed another experiment, this time to test the effects of rust. The Years 4s tested the effect of different liquids on metal, and the Years 5s tested the effects of different protectants that help prevent rust.

Topic: In Topic this week we looked at the Mayan creation myth. After studying different creation stories in RE, the children found this really interesting! They then created their own storyboards using their own images and captions.

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 This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S6     Y5 Y5S8



Autumn 2 - Week 2 Review (07/11 - 11/11)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: In Maths this week we have looked at equivalent fractions and converting fractions from mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. The Year 4s started their learning of area.

RE: In RE we spoke about the difference between a Catholic baptism (often known as a Christening) and baptisms performed by other denominations.

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PE: In PE on Tuesday, the children got another visit from the Saints to learn about Rugby and enjoyed playing Tag Rugby.

Shared Reading: This week we continued looking at our Scottish short story and focused on discovering the meaning to Scottish words. We practised reading around the word to find clues about the context. The children now know the meaning of the words tenements, pulley and midden.

Science: In Science the children investigated irreversible changes. They know the difference between a physical change and a chemical reaction. They completed an experiment that involved mixing baking soda and bicarbonate of soda with water and vinegar and comparing the reactions by observing how inflated a glove becomes (to show the gas reaction).

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Topic: This week the children learnt about the Mayan calendars; Haab, Tzolk'in, Calendar Round and Long Count. We learnt about how many days/months they all entail and what their purpose was for having different calendars. The Year 4s even made their own Mayan Tzolk'in calendars!

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Music: In Music we watched an animation called Abstract Albert. We discussed the difference between the effect of background music, added sound effects and 'Mickey Mousing'. The children used body percussion to create sound effects to go along with the animation, and then used percussion instruments to do the same. We also looked at graphic representations and were able to match them up to the part of the animation they represented.

This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4 ly     Y5 Y5 ent ence


Autumn 2 - Week 1 Review (31/10 - 04/11)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, George. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: In Maths this week, we finished off our learning of multiplication and division by looking at multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We then started our learning of fractions, looking at equivalent fractions.

RE: In RE, we looked at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and spoke about what different lessons Jesus was trying to teach people.

DT: In DT this term, we are going to be designing, creating and forming our own 3D Mayan city. The children have already designed their part of the city, including thinking about material, colour and size. We then mapped out the structure of our city, thinking about what would be in the centre, and ensuring we think about proportions (e.g., the houses must be smaller than the temple!)

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PSHE: In PSHE, we discussed the different qualities of a friend and the children acted them out. They then ranked them in importance and we collated a class survey to find that offering to help is what the children value in a friend the most!

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Science: In Science, we started our new topic of Materials by talking about states of matter, and reversible and irreversible changes. We spoke about the difference between something that just changes state (melting chocolate - it's changes form from a solid to a liquid, but it's still chocolate! [A physical change]) compared to something that changes the substance entirely (burning wood into ash). The children also now know why a fizzy drink bubbles when it is opened.

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Computing: In Computing, we learnt about digital recording and how technology and different devices can be used to record, edit and upload audio.

Music: In Music this week we looked at sound effects (to link to our Computing topic!). The children watched some stop-motion videos from the 1920s and 30s about how sound effects were used to enhance the viewing. The children then used their own storyboard of graphic representations to depict different sound effects and then used a range of percussion instruments in groups to perform their sequence.

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This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S1     Y5 Y5S1



Autumn 1 - Week 7 Review (17/10 - 21/10)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Owen, Gilbert, Reuben and Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: In Maths this week we looked at common factors, prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers.

RE: In RE we looked at the Scripture 1 Corinthians 13 and studied what it tells us about love, and the importance of love to Christians.

PSHE: In PSHE, we discussed the difference between being assertive, passive and aggressive. We spoke about how to appropriately respond when people are trying to get us to do something we don't want to do.

Computing: We looked at websites and what features websites have. We also spoke about how some websites allow people to add content, and what the advantages and disadvantages to this are. The children love the example of Chrome Music Lab - where you can turn a drawing into music, have a go at home if you wish!

Topic: We studied Mayan arithmetic and learnt that they used Base 20 (as opposed to our Base 10!). The children then imitated the Dresden Codex and drew their own serpents, along with the Mayan numbers representing their birth date around it.

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Autumn 1 - Week 6 Review (10/10 - 14/10)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: In Maths this week the children have looked at finding missing numbers using fact families and inverse operations, multiples, factors and common multiples/factors.

RE: In RE we looked at the Fruits of the Spirit. We spoke about what this means, what Christians believe about the Holy Spirit and how Christians apply it to their lives.

PSHE: In PSHE we looked at the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. The children created a list of 'ingredients' needed for a healthy relationship.

Science: The children looked at the history of astronomy in science this week.

Computing: In Computing, the children learnt how information is shared on the internet and how we can access it.

Topic: To continue our learning of the Mayans, we looked at Mayan food and clothing. The children even got to taste test some of the foods the Mayans ate - tortilla, avocado and cacao! 

This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S7     Y5 Y5S7



Autumn 1 - Week 5 Review (03/10 - 07/10)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Dylan, Gilbert, Faith, Charley, Owen. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Harvest: First of all, thank you to all the parents who came along to our Harvest celebration! I was so proud of all the children for the poem they came up with themselves, and for their creative minds for putting props and actions alongside it. In case you couldn't quite hear them clearly in the church, here is the poem below:


Book & Biscuit: Also want to say a big thank you to everyone who turned up for Book & Biscuit! I was so pleased with the amount of you that turned up (and squeezed into our squishy room!!) and I know the children absolutely loved their parents being inside their classroom and reading with them. What an invaluable experience - looking forward to next time!

Futsal Tournament: Also a big well done to all the Year 4s who were involved in the futsal tournament on Wednesday! We had a lot of fun and the children did absolutely amazing!! 3rd out of 10 teams overall! Well done everyone!

Maths: This week we continued our learning of addition and subtraction, and looked at inverse operations, fact families and multi-step problems.

PSHE: In PSHE, we discussed the importance of feeling safe in school, and discussed the difference between teasing, banter and bullying. We recapped the acronym STOP which reminds us of what bullying is - Several Times On Purpose.

Science: In Science this week we looked at what the Universe is, and what it's made of. We discussed galaxies and learnt that we live in the Milky Way galaxy. We also looked at how some scientists use space to theorize how the universe was formed. We particularly focused on the idea that the universe is constantly expanding, and we blew up balloons to demonstrate this.

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RE: This week in RE we looked at how Christians care for the environment and climate justice. We read Scriptures in the Bible that tell us God gave humans responsibility to steward the Earth, and we even looked at examples of Christian organisations that actively encourage and promote climate justice e.g. Operation Noah and A Rocha.

Topic: In our learning about the Mayan civilisation, we looked at what children's lives would have looked like and the roles within a family unit e.g. women would weave clothes and cook food and men would go hunting. We looked at Ancient Mayan murals that have been discovered that show us these examples of Mayan living and the children drew their own murals to represent something about their life!

This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4W6     Y5 Y5W6



Autumn 1 - Week 4 Review (26/09 - 30/09)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Dylan, Gilbert, Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Maths: The children completed their Maths PiXL Assessments this week. I am pleased with the results so early on in the year, especially considering the children haven't learned some of the content yet!

RE: In RE this week, we looked at how the Bible is still relevant to our lives today, despite being written a long time ago. The children practised how to find scripture; using the contents page to help them find the book, then chapter, then verse. We read the verses and thought about how we can apply them to our lives today and what lessons we can learn.

Art: In Art this week, children developed their Futuristic art skills by designing their own piece of art. The children got to choose their own vehicle that they will shade to make it look like it's in motion.

Science: The children learnt about the Sun, stars and constellations in this weeks science lesson. They drew a storyboard to represent the life cycle of a star, and then they used descriptions to help them match up constellations to their name.

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Computing: We had previously learnt what a network is, and how a network can link together multiple devices. This week we built on that knowledge by talking about routers and how they link different networks together. We also discussed the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web. This video provides a good analogy to help us understand this: 

Topic: In Topic this week, the children built on their knowledge of the Mayan civilisation by looking at different aspects of a city. The children used the notes they had made to help them design a part of the city. We are hoping to collate all of our creations and build our own 3D Maya city next term in our DT lessons!

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This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S5     Y5 Y5S6

Autumn 1 - Week 3 Review (19/09 - 23/09)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Tobey, Dylan, Gilbert, Megan, Owen, Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

First of all, thank you to those of you who came to the Meet the Teacher evening on Tuesday! It was lovely to talk with you. For those of you who couldn't make it, I have attached the PowerPoint below:


Maths: In Maths we continued our learning of Place Value by looking at comparing, ordering and rounding numbers up to 100,000.

Science: In Science, we looked at the order of the planets and learnt in detail about each one. The children came up with a mnemonic to help them remember the order, and wrote down a size description, the temperature and other descriptions for each planet.

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RE: Following on from learning about religious creation stories, this week we looked at the scientific theories of The Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution. We discussed how some religious people believe science and religion can go hand in hand, whereas others argue that the theories contradict each other.

Topic: In Topic we looked at the structure of a Maya city; including Plazas, Ball Courts, Palaces, Temples and Pyramids, Roads and Houses.

Art: In Art we practised how to create a piece of futuristic art and how to make a motorbike look like it's in motion. The children had to use different lines to amplify and extend the edges and then use shading.

IMG 20220923 085743     IMG 20220923 085753     IMG 20220923 085804

This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S4     Y5 Y5S5

Autumn 1 - Week 2 Review (12/09 - 16/09)

These children didn't have their reading records this week: Oliver, Dylan, Gilbert, Megan, Olivia, Tyler. Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Shared Reading: In Shared Reading we have continued reading the story Varjak Paw. The children have done fantastic so far at answering a range of different questions. They have practised questions on grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predicting and explaining.

Maths: In Maths we have continued our learning on Place Value. This week, the children have looked at reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000, powers of 10, more or less and partitioning.

RE: This week we looked at different religious creation stories; including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Buddhism and we compared them to the Biblical creation story we learnt last week.

Art: In Art, we looked at the life of a famous futurist artist, Fortunato Depero.

PSHE: In PSHE we looked at the idea of "give and take". The children were able to define what negotiation and compromise is and discussed how there's not always a clear "right" decision in every situation.

Science: The children learnt lots about Space this week! We discussed lunar phases, lunar and solar eclipses and the children worked very hard at remembering the difference between asteroids, comets, meteoroids, meteors and meteorites.

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History: Whereas last week we learnt where the Mayans lived, this week we learnt when the Mayans lived. The children were fascinated that although the Mayans date all the way back to 2000BC, some Mayans still exist to this day! Despite having to adapt through modern world changes (including their country being invaded and disbanded into different modern countries!), they still follow some ancient Mayan traditions, including believing in the same gods, farming and weaving their own clothes.

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This week's spellings:

Y4 Y4S3     Y5 Y5S4

Autumn 1 - Week 1 Review (05/09 - 09/09)

Please ensure children always bring their reading records into school as I check them weekly.

Welcome to the FIRST weekly blog post of the year!! I hope you all had a lovely Summer. The children have settled in nicely and we have excitedly begun all our new topics! I'm looking forward to the year ahead.

Shared Reading: In Shared Reading we have started reading the story Varjak Paw. The children have done fantastic so far at answering a range of different questions based on the first few chapters. They have practised questions on grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predicting and explaining.

Maths: In Maths we have started our learning on Place Value. So far, the children have looked at Roman numerals and numbers up to 1,000,000.

RE: In RE we are going to be looking at, and comparing, a plethora of different creation stories over the coming weeks. This week we started by looking at the Biblical creation story and the children created a sequence of pictures to represent what Christians believe God created on each day.

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Art: In Art, we began looking at Futurism. The children learnt that Futuristic art is all about capturing things in their blur of movement, rather than a standstill snapshot.

PSHE: In PSHE we discussed what collaboration means and the children had to work in groups to build the tallest tower using newspaper and tape. One particular group worked extremely well as a team and their tower reached 42cm high!

Science: In Science we have started our topic of Earth and Space. The children now know these key terms: celestial body, natural satellite, artificial satellite.

Computing: In Computing we learnt that computers are linked by networks and how these keep us safe. We also explored how messages can be transferred through networks through routers.

Geography: In Geography the children have started learning about the ancient Mayan civilisation. We looked at where the Mayans lived and what modern day countries their territory covered. The children did amazingly at completing their maps of the Maya area to show where the mountainous regions were compared to the forest and grasslands. They also plotted the rivers and cities and created a key.

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Music: In music, we listened to a composition called 'Music of the Starry Night' and imagined we were in space. The composition involved sounds to represent 'explosions' in space and we discussed that the sounds were left to fade to mirror ripples and debris left behind. As well as listening to contrasting sounds to represent a calm and tranquil universe and the darkness of space.

 This week's spellings:

Y4: Y4 Spellings     Y5: Y5 Spellings2



***PANTHERS PE days are Wednesday and Fridays***

Don't forget you have Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed you can log into from home to practice your spellings and times tables.

Passwords can be found in front of your reading record books.

Please note the change in PE days for Panthers who will now be doing PE on Wednesdays

Friday 17th June 2022

It has been a busy week full of assessments this week! 

We are finally back in our own classroom following the flooding with a lovely new carpet! 


Year 4 17th                              Year 5 17th

Friday 10th June 2022

This week in Maths we have been learning about 2d and 3d shape and their nets. We then moved onto looking at co-ordinates on a grid and how to translate and move shapes on a grid in the first quadrant.

In Art we have continued with our Victorian printing topic and worked collaboratively to create a piece of artwork inspired by Victorian wallpaper designs. 

In IT we have continued to use Scratch to program, creating variables and command keys. In PE, Mr Roberts from Wollaston will be working with us over the next few weeks which is why our PE time has changed to Wednesday.

                  Year 4                                                                    Year 5

Yr410                      Y510


Friday 27th May 2022

This week in Maths we have found out all about angles and the internal angles of shapes. We learnt about polygons and the properties of regular and irregular shapes.

In music we have looked at music in films and have had a go at creating our own sounds to accompany video.

We also had a Jubilee Party to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Have a fantastic half term!

               Year 4                                                                             Year 5

Year 4 27Year 5 27 

Friday 13th May 2022

This week in Maths we have  carried on with the  the topic of statistics. We interpreted data and looked at line graphs to see what information we could learn from them We also had a go a drawing some of our own.

In Topic we have looked at the Victorians: The coronation of Queen Victoria.

In ICT we have continued to code using Scratch and introduced operations into our programming to create a quiz program with variable answers.

In music we looked at the effect that music has on films and movement and the effect that tempo has on how it makes the audience feel.

   Year 4                                                      Year 5

Year 4 13 Year 5 13

Friday 6th May 2022

Another week has flown by!

This week in Maths we have covered the topic of statistics. We interpreted data and looked at bar graphs to see what information we could learn from them.

In Topic we have looked at the Victorians and placed key events on a timeline. We have continued with our William Morris art work and printing.

In ICT we have continued to code using Scratch and introduced variables and conditions into our programming.    

In Science we found out about light and how it travels in straight lines, we then bounced light round corners using mirrors before looking at what happens when mirrors reflect and used this to predict what would happen to words and shapes when they were reflected.


           Year 4                                                                      Year 5

Year 4 65Year 5 65  


Friday 29th April 2022

It has been a busy but productive week in Panthers!

In Maths we have been solving problems involving time- have a go at home making sure you can tell the time on analogue and digital clocks and working out what time it would be 10 minutes after and ten minutes before.

We have been investigating light answering the question 'What is light and what does it do?- we looked at lots of the language involved such as  bright, dark, dim, dull, eye, light, mirror, opaque, reflect, shadow, shiny, translucent, transparent.

In ICT we have continued with coding using the program 'Scratch'.

Enjoy the Bank Holidays!


                   Year 4                                                                  Year 5                                                                             

image                                image2

Friday 22nd April 2022

Great to see everyone back after what was hopefully a restful Easter break.

We have been investigating separating materials this week in science - There was lots of good hands on investigating how we can sieve and sort different collections of materials and the real life application of this.   We have continued with decimals in maths and have looked at money and problems involving the 4 rule and decimals. In ICT we have begun coding.

Spellings for this week:       

                   Year 4                                                     Year 5              

spelling yr 4spelling yr5


***PANTHERS PE days are Thursdays and Fridays***

 Don't forget you have Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed you can log into from home to practice your spellings and times tables.

Passwords can be found in front of your reading record books.

Please can Reading Record books be signed by parents, these will be checked weekly - usually on a Friday

Friday 25th March 2022

Another week has flown by and its been a busy one!

Panthers went to the church on Thursday for the Easter experience and had the opportunity to enjoy the Easter story whilst having lots of fun art and craft activities to choose from. In the afternoon, our Year 4 pupils had their strings concert in which they done an amazing performance showcasing the strings skills they had learnt this term - Well done!

We have been investigating change in materials this week in science - which are reversible and which are not? There was lots of good hands on investigating with ice, chocolate, shaving foam and lemonade and some brilliant conversation around what they were observing! In maths Year 4 have been continuing with decimals and how they can make a whole with tenths and hundredths. Year 5 have been solving problems involving numbers up to 3 decimal places.  Our database project in ICT encompassed different search methods this week with 'And / Or'. The children were using a database of the Titanic passengers for part of the lesson and this in itself generated some great information sharing about what had happened on that fateful night.

We are looking forward to our Indus WOW day net week for history. This week we had a great brainstorming session of all the different things they had learnt in preparation for a diary recount from the perspective or either a child or adult to tie in with what they have been learning in English. We filled up 2 whiteboards with all our learning and looked at so many aspects of the Indus civilisation - I cannot wait to see what they can produce for their diaries!

Spellings for this week:

YEAR 4                YEAR 5

Year 4 spells2Year 5 Spells



Friday 18th March 2022

Happy Red Nose Day!

We have had science week this week and were lucky enough to have a visit from the science workshop teaching the children all about the human body, growth and healthy eating which the children really enjoyed. We also watched a live broadcast from the NFU about climate change and how cows and food waste contribute. After learning about methane and feeding cows seaweed it was interesting to hear all the questions other schools were asking the experts. In our class lesson. we concluded our 'viscosity' lesson and writing up our conclusions from our experiment.

In maths this week Year 4 have been dividing numbers by 10 and 100 and expressing answers as a decimal. Year 5 have continued with percentages and decimal equivalents and also recognising thousandths in a decimal.

In PSHE we looked at what voluntary and community groups are and who they help. They also learnt about pressure groups and why they may be set up. The children then had a turn at role playing a character of Mo who had decided to tidy up his local area of rubbish and pollution and Bill who was the founder of a community group.  

We continued our database learning this week in ICT with the countries of the world. The children explored the database, creating their own questions and answers and familiarising themselves with different fields. We then concluded by comparing our original paper database with the one we had been working with in lesson which highlighted the effectiveness of computer databases!

I have been very impressed this week by the classes attitude to sport this week. As well as our weekly PE lessons we have also had a tennis session, swimming for year 5's, Year 4's learnt bench ball and we have been participating in the schools sports challenge by going outside each day and running or walking laps for 5 mins. Its been great to hear of all the other activities children are involved in out of school too!

Spellings this week:

Year 4                 Year 5

Year 13Spellings 4



Friday 11th March 2022

Maths this week has all been about percentages, decimals and fractions and how they relate to each other. Year 4 have been working on decimals and fractions with denominators of 100 and year 5 have gone onto percentage values.

To carry on with our materials topic, we investigated liquids and their 'viscosity in science this week'. Children explored and tested the different viscosities of BBQ sauce, oil, water, toffee sauce and hand sanitizer by seeing how quickly they travelled down a ramp!

We continued our database learning in ICT where we investigated different ways of sorting 'records' and what different 'fields' were. the children sorted through bugs depending on their physical attributes and learnt how to sort them alphabetically.

This weeks Buddhism learning had us comparing our typical daily lives to those of Buddhist monks and nuns. The children were very surprised to see how early monks get up and the amount of chores they do.

In history we 'wondered' this week about Indus farming life! We looked at different artefact images and used our skills to see what we knew, what we didn't know and 'what we wondered' - what questions did we have based on what we could see. They all did really well getting to grips with these new skills and sharing their ideas as a class.


Year 5         Year 4

Y5 spellingsYR4


Friday 4th March 2022

Another week has flown past! It was lovely to see parents and family at our 'Book and Biscuit' session this afternoon.

It was great to see everyone in the class supporting World Book Day yesterday. In support of this special celebration, Panthers have had a focused task on Non Fiction books with each child exploring a book of choice, identifying the main features of 'Non Fiction' and learning lots of new, and sometime gruesome, facts!

In Maths we have moved onto decimals and understanding the place value. Year 5 went onto partitioning.

In Science our materials lesson focused on Solids - what makes a material a solid and different properties they can have. They all investigated around the school noting what materials were used within the schools structure and why they were chosen.

In ICT we have started looking at databases and we kicked this off by looking at what a database was and how different records could be sorted if we did it by hand by creating our own animal information cards.

Artefacts were our focus in history and looking at different discoveries historians have made about the life of the Indus civilisation. We looked at pottery, iron work, weapons and the designs they had used before designing our own piece of pottery in a similar style.

In art, our graphic design project progressed to look at the 'Bauhaus' design influence and how we could incorporate our typography designs. The panthers have produced some fantastic posters!

'Fact or Opinion?' was the question in PSHE this week. What purpose does the news have, what does it tell us, do we always know the full story and does it matter who is reporting? The Panthers had some really valid points to make in how news is reported and when information can or cant be trusted.

Spellings for this week:

Year 5        Year 4

Year 11Year 10



Friday 25th February 2022

Thank you for the great homework that has started to come in this week, please can we remind you that all homework is to be either brought in or uploaded to the Panthers teams page by 4th March.

For maths this week we are continuing our fractions focus. Year 4 looked at subtracting fractions from a whole number and Year 5. have been multiplying proper fractions by mixed numbers.

For our art lessons this term we will be looking at graphic design and kicked off our first lesson looking at typography, different letter styles and the use of colours using our name. In RE we learnt about the importance of meditation to Buddhists and had a go within the class room too! In PSHE we followed up on the importance of looking after our own mental health and went through the A-Z of ways they can help themselves if they are feeling a bit low - maybe ask them how many they can remember! We had a great range of ideas on where their happy places maybe or activities that make them feel their best.

Science this term is about materials. Children had to sort different items into solids, liquids and gases before then thinking of their own ways of sorting a collection of items of their choice. There were lots of different ideas including if they were magnetic, waterproof or translucent, Great start!

Its been time to try editing our videos in ICT this week using software on the tablets. They have had the opportunity to add sound, edit the videos together and experiment with a whole range of different effects. Next week we will definitely look to share these with the class.

Year 5 kicked off their swimming lessons this week and it sounds like they all enjoyed going, im sure they will go from strength to strength over the coming weeks. 

Spellings for this week are below, they are also uploaded to spelling shed.

 YEAR 5                         YEAR 4

Year 9Year 8

Friday 11th February 2022

In maths this week we have been completing our end of term assessments and continuing to subtract and add fractions - they all worked really hard, well done Panthers!

We have continued to look at the Indus valley this week in history, re-visiting and adapting our house designs and completing our clay sculptures of the Indus people with some really good features incorporated.

We have discovered some budding film makers this week in ICT with everyone filming their short films they had planned. They are all very different and it will be great to see the end results when they are edited and audio is added when we come back after the holidays! To coincide with this, year 5 had a go at sound effects in music whilst the year 4's have continued their strings lesson.

Have a great half term everyone.

Spellings for over the holidays are below:

YEAR 4                          YEAR 5

 year 4Year 7


Friday 4th February 2022 

In maths this week we have continued on our fractions journey - learning how to add and subtract fractions with the same and different denominators.

In reading we have been reading 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgwick. This is a dystopian story about a girl called Zoe who lives in the near future in an England that is flooded due to rising sea levels. The children have shown a keen interest in the story and characters and are really looking forward to carrying on and finishing the story to find out what happens next!

In science the children have completed some really fantastic posters and presentations this week on different insects and their life cycles and in RE we learnt about the Buddhism celebration of Wesak and meditation.

The children have designed their own Indus house floorplan in history this week, looking at the features of the Indus housing and designing homes that they would have liked in the times of the Indus Civilisation. In preparation for our final clay sculpt this term, the children have designed their native Indus person in Art incorporating the skills they have been learning this term - we should now all be ready to create our own Indus settlement next week.

In PSHE we spoke about the term 'drugs' and their understanding of what that term defines. We spoke about medicines, what makes those safe, why we need them, legal ages for alcohol and cigarettes, what dangers they carry and then why illegal drugs are dangerous. Year 4 are continuing with their strings lesson and have used their bows for the first time this week which was exciting for them all.


Spellings for this week are just below, don't forget these are also on Spelling Shed too.

   Year 4                            Year 5

Year 4 spellsYear 5 spells


Friday 28th January 2022

In maths this week we have been finding out all about Fractions-We all learnt about equivalent fractions,  Year 4 learnt that fractions can total more than 1 and Year 5 have been converting from improper fractions to mixed number fractions and back again!

Science has had us studying the life cycles of the masters of metamorphosis - Insects! We are also pleased to report that our potatoes from the first term have indeed reproduced a baby potato asexually!

The children have enjoyed some free modelling with the clay n art and produced their very own mini people or aliens! This is all working up to our final piece at the end of term where we will use all the skills we have learnt.

Our history topic took us to find out how the Indus Valley was originally discovered and surprisingly, how recently that happened! In RE we have learnt more about the 'eightfold path' of Buddhism and in PSHE we questioned how to evaluate risk to keep safe and what risks we take in our everyday lives without even realising it.

Here are the spellings for this week:

YEAR 4                 YEAR 5

Year 4 to useYear 5 to use




Friday 21st January 2022

We have reached the end of another week already!

This week in maths we have moved our attention onto division and moving onto the formal method for year 5 (bus stop) and for year 4, we have looked at ways of chunking 2 digit numbers before dividing them using our times table knowledge.

In science we have continued to look at life cycles, this time the Amphibian classification. We have compared them to the mammals we studied last week and then year 5 jigsawed their knowledge together of a salamander and year 4 produced a poster of a toad! We are becoming experts on metamorphosis!

We enjoyed designing seals in clay using the Indus language that we may have used in those times. Seals were used by the Indus people when they would trade their goods almost as a currency or stamp of quality from their family.

In music the year 4 pupils continued with their strings lesson this week too, learning more about technique and how to play different notes. As the same time, year 5's had fun making up sounds to represent each lesson with a variety of instruments and then playing a section of a timetable to see if we could guess what lessons they had. It was a great opportunity for the pupils to have free choice over the instruments and try out how different sounds work together.

In PSHE we worked as a class this week sharing ideas on what a 'habit' was and how that compares to an 'addiction'. Do we have good and bad habits? When is a habit different from an addiction? In RE we have looked at the 4 main teachings of Buddhism - the 4 Noble Truths - and how these are used within the Buddhist religion.

Spellings for this week are below.

Year 5                         Year 4 - 'ous' suffix

Year 5 spellYear 4 Spell

Friday 14th January 2022

Our first full week back has been packed with the beginnings of our new learning journeys!

This week in maths we continued with multiplication and becoming secure and confident in our method - Year 4 have been looking at 3 digit numbers multiplied by one digit - Year 5 have been looking at multiplying by two digit numbers.

In science our focus was on mammals and we researched and compared different mammals life cycles - how long they live, what they eat, reproduction, how they defend themselves and much more - great research Panthers!

We moved onto practical skills in art working on our 'pinching', 'coiling' and 'imprinting' techniques in clay. Like our focus artist Philippe Faraut, we are looking to get better at sculpting in clay and learning new techniques in preparation for our final make!


Our new history topic for this term is the Indus Valley and we have begun by looking at a historical timeline of when the Indus valley settlements began and how that compares to other historical periods we have learnt about. 

In RE we have moved on to Buddhism and begun by looking at who Buddha, their religious leader, was and a time line of Siddhartha Gautama's life.

Spellings this week are shown below for both years

YEAR 4               YEAR 5

Year 4 todayYear 5 today


Friday 7th January 2022

Welcome Back  Happy New Year

- It was fantastic to welcome you all back this week! 

We have started our new history topic all about the Indus Valley!

In Maths we have begun looking at methods of Multiplication.

Our science topic is living things and their habitats and our art focus will be clay this term.


 Year 4                                          Year 5

Year 4 Spellings                            Year 5 Spellings  

Have a great weekend! 

Friday 17th December 

The final week of term is complete and we have lots of very excited children all ready for the Christmas holidays!

This week we have been finishing off lots of our work and its been great to see the hard work the children have been putting in all term come to fruition.

They have made their own rainforest biodome, completed their tree house survival shelters in DT, created some fantastic vector pictures and learnt more about fossils and animals that have long been extinct!


There will be no spellings or any homework over the holidays - we hope you have a merry Christmas spending time with your families and playing games. 

Stay safe and have fun. See you next year!


Friday 10th December

Another busy but fun week has come to an end with a fantastic collection of Christmas jumpers on show today!

Yesterdays Christmas experience at the church was enjoyed by all and it was lovely to see all the children enjoying the crafts that were available to try. The telling of the advent story around the church really helped the children to imagine what it would have been like when Jesus was born and was a lovely way to celebrate the nativity.

In maths we concluded our unit on perimeter and area this week and in science we reviewed how our cress seeds were growing.  For our topic this week the children were using the skills they had been learning in English about non-chronological report writing to create their own report on the Yanonami Tribe people and they look fantastic! Its great to see how they have carried those skills across from their English lessons to create some great, informative writing with lots of the non-chronological report features included - Super job Panthers.

In DT we have continued with our emergency rainforest shelter models and we now have all the panels and features ready to complete the final construction stage next week.

Well done to everyone for the 100 x table challenge today - you all continue to try really hard and are really improving.

The final spellings of 2021 are ....

YEAR 4                                                  YEAR 5

Year 4 ch spellings       Spellings to ues

Friday 3rd December

December has arrived already! The lovely tree is up in the hall and the children around the have started decorating it with some of the decorations that were made when grandparents joined us for the craft afternoon.

In maths this week both Year 4 & 5 we have been polishing up on their perimeter skills from last week and moved on to finding the area of shapes. Maybe see if you can challenge your child at home to draw a rectilinear shape of a certain perimeter - can they remember to identify and add all the sides? 

In science we have looked at extinction, in particular the sabre toothed tiger, mammoth and the dodo. Children have been finding our more about the environments they lived in, their adaptations and what factors caused their eventual extinction.

ICT this week challenged the children to pull all the skills together they had already learnt about over the past few weeks and create a picture with multiple images. They looked at rotating, mirroring, enlarging, changing colours, layering and really looking to make their pictures come to life and tell a story.

For RE the children were to think about what Jesus may have looked like based on many different artist impressions of him and what is said in the bible about him. It was interesting to see how varied the range of images were and to understand the thinking behind each one. 

The spellings and times tables this week have been really great - they all tried really hard so well done Panthers! Next week we will be going back to our 100 challenge for times tables - will you be able to beat your score from last time?

This weeks spellings are below: 

Year 4                             Year 5

Year 4 use  Y 5 use


Friday 26th November

It was great to see so many parents at the Panthers class assembly this week, the children had worked really hard putting all the content together and I know they really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. Thank you also for all the chocolate and treats that were brought in this week for our mufti day.

The children also really enjoyed having their family members come and join us for the Christmas creative afternoon, there were some brilliant reindeers, Santas and angels made! We will make sure the decorations go onto the tree next week when it arrives.

Perimeter was our maths focus this week for the class. We looked at working out the perimeter of various shapes and how we can calculate the perimeter of areas even when some measurements are not shown.

In science this week we set up and experiment to grow cress looking at what plants need in order to grow and survive. The children have chosen one of these variables to change and wait to see what difference this may have - we have some seeds in the dark, others watered more and some more tightly packed together on the cotton wool. We will be recording our results next week!

Our vector drawing continued to develop in ICT by us looking at layering and how images can build up, be changed and backgrounds added.

We kicked off our DT project his week too in which the children have begun thinking about how they would make a shelter if they were abandoned in the rainforest! They have come up with a variety of ideas and have really had to think about what materials they would be able to use in that environment and what they would need to include in order to remain protected from the wildlife and the elements. 

In PSHE we started looking at how we can tell if someone is telling the truth by a circle time in which we all had to make a statement about 'what we did yesterday' and seeing if we could identify the 7 children who had been chosen to try and catch us out. This was good fun and it was great to get us all sharing our ideas on how we can tell if someone may not be telling the truth by their body language or how they spoke. This will then go on to be linked to online communication and how we cannot see who we are talking to so how do we know what we read is true!

Spellings will be tested next week along with times tables as we were not in today.


Friday 19th November

This week we have been preparing for our class assembly next week and the children have been working so hard to get things ready and making props. They are so excited and we can't wait to see you there on Wednesday!

This week has been Anti-Bullying week and we have been participating in activities that cover the theme of 'One kind Word'.

In maths we have continued multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000 have related this to measure by converting metres into Kilometres and vice versa.

In ICT this week we furthered our learning with vector images - firstly to create a penguin with given shapes and to then design a parrot using different colour techniques, line designs, shape rotations and placement. They had great fun and the characters they produced were great!


In topic this week we have focused on the threats to the rainforest in our lesson where the students independently worked in pairs to research what they could find.... what a success! Once all our findings were shared as a class, our whiteboard was full of different challenges facing the rainforest! We then reviewed if the threats were from us as mankind or nature itself - sadly mankind are certainly to blame for the majority of the rainforests demise.

Year 4                 Year 5

Year 4 ly Year 5 use

Friday 12th November

What a busy week! 

This week in Maths: In Year 4 we have covered Multiplying by 10 and 100 and Dividing by 10 and 100.  We have learnt that when you multiply a number by 10 it moves one place value column to the Left and when you divide by 10 it moves one place value column to the right.- Ask your child to show you how this works!

In year 5 we have been refining our knowledge of Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100 and extending this to 1000 up to 6 digit numbers  

On Thursday we ventured to St Marys Church for a special assembly all about Remembrance and the two minute silence. It was fantastic being in this amazing building to mark such an important occasion.

For our topic this week we have looked at why the rainforest is so important and why we need to preserve it. We have been presenting our fantastic homework to the rest of the class- our quizzes about the Rainforest are really enjoyable and helping us to recall and teach many amazing facts.

We have been learning what miracles are in RE and focused on one of the bible stores where Jesus healed a blind man. In science we have progressed our learning onto selective breeding and why this may be useful. Our task was to look at various dog breeds and how breed characteristics can be used to identify which dog would be ideal for different families and lifestyles. For our ICT lessons on Vector images, we used publisher this week and tried to create new characters using shapes - this was great fun and a good way to encourage the students to experiment with different commands.

We are currently starting our preparation for our class assembly which will be in two weeks time- we look forward to seeing you there!

YEAR 4                                           YEAR 5

yEAR 4yEAR 5



Friday 5th November

Wow what an amazing selection of rainforest home work we have had returned into school this week!

The children have clearly worked really hard on creating some fantastic rainforest habitats, poetry, fact files, posters, quizzes and much more!  Thank you for all your support in helping at home, we are gong to be sharing them all with the class over the coming week.

In maths this week year 4 have been investigating multiplication facts and relationships of the 6, 7 and 9 times tables. Year 5's have been learning about squared and cubed numbers.

Our art collage is now complete with our proud tiger peeking through all the fantastic jungle plants the children have painted. In our topic work this week the children looked at the Amazonian tribes and how their life differs from ours. It created some interesting conversations on how they live and hunt and their reluctance to integrate with the modern world.

For our new ICT module we will be looking at Vector images. This week we looked at vector images and logos and started to create our own pictures using shapes and seeing how their appearance could be manipulated. 

Our new science topic this term has started with us looking at the characteristics of human beings such as eye colour. We then looked at sorting them into categories of if they are inherited or environmental (influenced by people and places around us).

Our PE has now moved to Thursday afternoon from Tuesday and this will take place in the hall. Please can all children have their pe kits with them this day including appropriate footwear. PE still remains on Friday as well.

Spellings this week were great so well done for all those pupils that had been practicing. We also re-visited the times table 100 challenge this week to kick off the new term.

YEAR 4                YEAR 5

Year 4 ationYear 5 Ance



Friday 22nd October

We have made it to the end of a very busy half term!

In maths this week Year 4 have been multiplying and dividing by 1 and zero and Year 5 have been learning about what multiples and factors of numbers are and how to work them out.

Our art has taken us to the point where we have been individually painting flowers and plants to create a Rainforest collage in the style of our focus artist Henri Rousseau with good results, we even have the beginnings of a tiger ready to be peering out.

Our science topic of reproduction in plants and animals concluded this week with us looking at the lifecycle of a human and the different stages of growth we go through. We also considered how that compared to the other animals we had been looking at over the past 6 weeks.

For our Amazon topic the class wrote up their fantastic animal fact files that they had independently researched and they were awesome! A great range of animals were reported on with some very scary facts too! The class worked brilliantly on these and tie in with the artwork they did last week.

In PSHE we have focused on communication and how non-verbal communication can also affect what we are saying. This was a great follow on from our ICT lesson over the last few weeks where the pupils had been learning about good communication methods in tasks where they had only been able to communicate through Teams and messages in order to complete the assignments they were set!

Spellings for the next two weeks are below (these will be tested on the 5th November)

Year 4                    Year 5

proper year 4Year 4 spellings

We hope you and your families enjoy a restful half term will see you back in school on Monday 1st November.


Friday 15th October 2021

This week we really enjoyed practicing and then presenting our thoughts about Harvest at the church on Tuesday - Many thanks to all the parents who came along!

This week in Maths we have been solving multi step problems, we have also been completing a number of assessments so we can find out areas we are secure on and the areas we need more work on. 

Our Amazon wall at school is beginning to come alive with the great artwork the children have produced this week! They were all looking closely at their chosen animal from last week and painted a small section of the animal that captured a striking feature or bright colouring. This took a little bit of practice to get the perspective but we now have some very interesting parts of animals including a tarantulas eye!

Birds were our focus in science this week, looking at how they reproduce and then comparing them to mammals. We watched some great wildlife clips of how different birds attract a mate in the wild and also looked at the lifecycle of chicken and the anatomy of their eggs.

Our Christianity topic in RE took us to hymns and music this week! The children listened to 3 different hymns, all in different music styles and recorded what they thought the song was about and if they enjoyed it. It was interesting to see the differences in music preferences and their really good music evaluation skills!

Following on from positive relationships, we looked at what being assertive means in PSHE. When should we be assertive, how can we do that respectfully and how does our body language influence a situation?

 Spellings for this week are shown below. These are also uploaded onto Spelling Shed for children to practice.

YEAR 4                YEAR 5

Year 4 InterYear 5 challenge words



Friday 8th October 2021

This week many of our year 5 have taken part in Bikeability. Here they were taught the essential skills and rules needed to safely ride their bikes on the public highway and have been seen with big smiles on their faces as they have returned to school from riding around the village.

In maths this week we have been continuing with subtraction and using different methods to find the difference between two numbers and multi-step problems.

Our Amazon learning this week has been about learning how animals and plants have adapted to survive in the rainforest and beginning to create fact files on our favourite chosen animal... some quite scary ones!

Unfortunately some of our potatoes in our cloning experiment for science have come to a watery end. However we do still have 4 team's spuds hanging on so we have been documenting the changes that have been happening over the last couple of weeks and I can confirm there are roots!

We've been very creative this week. In art we moved onto drawing cat animals this week in preparation for putting our complete jungle picture together, in RE we made our own stained glass windows (that look fantastic!) and we have also been working on our own class harvest poem ready for the festival next week.

Spellings for this week are shown below. These are also uploaded onto Spelling Shed for children to practice on.

Year 4                      Year 5

Year 4Year 5

We hope you an your families have a lovely weekend - Panthers




Friday 1st October 2021

We have enjoyed another busy week! 

Homework Grids have been issued which are due in on the 5th November- Children should choose 4 tasks from the 8 and present as imaginatively as they can!

Please click on the link to see the tasks:  AMAZON-HOMEWORK-GRID-t1.docx

Year 4 Spellings                                       Year 5 Spellings

Year 4 Spellings                                     Year 5 Spellings2


In Maths this week both year 4 and 5 have been learning how to use the formal methods of subtraction. We had some pretty challenging missing number subtraction problems to solve! Ask your child to show you how they solve subtraction using the column method!

The class have been continuing with their great Art pieces and looked at the different layers of the rainforest this week in our topic. In science we looked at the classification of mammals and their gestation periods which created lots of great class discussion.

A big well done to the class this week for their times tables, a great improvement already from the first week back! Keep it up Panthers

Christmas card designs are coming home with children tonight which they had fun designing, please ask them to share these with you. 



Friday 24th September 2021


We have had a busy week here in the Panthers this week and been learning lots. Year 4 have had good fun learning about bike safety this week too and looked like they were really enjoying themselves on the playground.

In maths this week we have all been learning about negative numbers challenging ourselves to count forward and backwards through zero.

We have continued to look at the Amazon and have been looking at the climate and what it would feel like to visit. We also learnt about why it rains and how geographical features influence the weather systems!

In science we started looking at animal reproduction, metamorphosis and lifecycles of insects and amphibians this week which created lots of good class discussion and questions.  in art, our observational drawing skills have definitely improved this week and we began to add shading. Next week we will begin to look at putting our drawing skills to the ultimate test and create a jungle scene!

In IT Panthers were great at recalling our learning this term on the internet, networking and routers. We learnt about what an IP address was and how computers communicate to one another using special protocols. We even had a go at sending messages to one another in the same format computers do!

Well done to everyone for their spellings and times tables this week! A great result. The new words for this next week are all uploaded to spelling shed and spelling practice sheets have been sent home with everyone too.

Have a lovely weekend.


Friday 17th September 2021


This week in maths we have been looking at rounding numbers which they seem to have enjoyed. Maybe they can share this new skill with you at hone?

Year 4 have been rounding three digit numbers to the nearest 10

Year 5 have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

In science we have been looking at reproduction in plants and are investigating if we can clone a potato! All of our potatoes are lined up on the windowsill ready for action and over the coming weeks the children will be monitoring their progress. Watch this space! 

We have begun looking at the Amazon in more detail and how vast the Amazon river is. We have been practicing our mapping skills, looking in more detail at the South American continent and which countries the Amazon rainforest actually covers.

Our artist for this term is Henry Rousseau and we have been looking in class at how he created his rainforest artwork even though he never visited nor did he have access to the internet in his day! Our observational drawing skills of leaves and plants have begun.

Don't forget spellings are uploaded to Spelling Shed for practice at home and TT Rockstars is a great programme to help children become quicker at their times tables too! We are currently assessing the children's reading ages and their reading scheme books will be allocated in due course.

Keep up the great work Panthers!  

Have a great weekend.

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